The Long Shadow of Jacobson v. Massachusetts: Epidemics, Fundamental Rights, and the Courts by Daniel A. Farber
Archivi della categoria:Uncategorized
Il Covid-19 e le nuove frontiere tecnologiche: l’app Immuni e (il ritorno dei) braccialetti elettronici?
Il Covid-19 e le nuove frontiere tecnologiche: l’app Immuni e (il ritorno dei) braccialetti elettronici? by Francesca Bailo
No unity in the United Kingdom
No unity in the United Kingdom by Catriona Mullay
L’app Immuni: tra tutela della salute e protezione dei dati personali
L’app Immuni: tra tutela della salute e protezione dei dati personali by Maria Stella Bonomi
La sorveglianza attiva per contrastare la diffusione dell’epidemia di Covid-19: strumento di controllo o di garanzia per i cittadini?
La sorveglianza attiva per contrastare la diffusione dell’epidemia di Covid-19: strumento di controllo o di garanzia per i cittadini? by Noemi Miniscalco
La gestione del coronavirus e l’impianto costituzionale. Il fine non giustifica ogni mezzo
La gestione del coronavirus e l’impianto costituzionale. Il fine non giustifica ogni mezzo by Francesca Rescigno
La “confusione”nel sistema delle fonti ai tempi della gestione dell’emergenza da Covid-19 mette a dura prova gerarchia e legalità
La “confusione”nel sistema delle fonti ai tempi della gestione dell’emergenza da Covid-19 mette a dura prova gerarchia e legalità by Michele Belletti
Perché non è l’art. 64 Cost. a impedire il voto “a distanza” dei parlamentari e perché ammettere tale voto richiede una “re-ingegnerizzazione” dei procedimenti parlamentari
Perché non è l’art. 64 Cost. a impedire il voto “a distanza” dei parlamentari e perché ammettere tale voto richiede una “re-ingegnerizzazione” dei procedimenti parlamentari by Nicola Lupo
La Francia e il Covid-19: la creazione del nuovo stato d’urgenza sanitaria
La Francia e il Covid-19: la creazione del nuovo stato d’urgenza sanitaria by Diletta Pamelin
Quasi-state of emergency: assessing the constitutionality of Ghana’s legislative response to Covid-19
Quasi-state of emergency: assessing the constitutionality of Ghana’s legislative response to Covid-19 by Maame Efua Addadzi-Koom
Quarantine and its legal dimension
Quarantine and its legal dimension by Rahmi KILIÇ, Çiğdem ATAMAN HATİPOĞLU and Cemil GÜNEŞ
The Legal Authority for States’ Stay-at-Home Orders
The Legal Authority for States’ Stay-at-Home Orders by Michelle M. Mello, David M. Studdert & Mark A. Hall
Pursuing Politics Through Legal Means: U. S. Efforts to Hold China Responsible for COVID-19
Pursuing Politics Through Legal Means: U. S. Efforts to Hold China Responsible for COVID-19 by Jacques deLisle
Temporary suspension of the Norwegian Covid-19 contact tracing app
Temporary suspension of the Norwegian Covid-19 contact tracing app
Elektronischer Rechtsverkehr
Elektronischer Rechtsverkehr. Corona als Herausforderung – Corona als Chance by Wolfram Viefhues
Arbeitsrecht in der Corona-Pandemie: „Der Staat muss nicht zum Ersatz-Arbeitgeber werden“
Arbeitsrecht in der Corona-Pandemie: „Der Staat muss nicht zum Ersatz-Arbeitgeber werden“ by Burkard Göpfert
I vantaggi del finanziamento diretto del debito da parte della BCE. Risposta all’Osservatorio dei Conti Pubblici Italiano
I vantaggi del finanziamento diretto del debito da parte della BCE. Risposta all’Osservatorio dei Conti Pubblici Italiano by Amedeo Argentiero & Paolo Polinori
Crisi e sostegno reddituale dei lavoratori: due scenari a confronto
Crisi e sostegno reddituale dei lavoratori: due scenari a confronto by Massimo De Minicis & Marco Marucci
L’Italia, l’Europa e il debito pubblico
L’Italia, l’Europa e il debito pubblico by Guido Ortona
Election 2020 and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Legal Issues in Absentee and All-Mail Voting
Election 2020 and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Legal Issues in Absentee and All-Mail Voting
Legal Issues in Mutual Aid Operations: A Preliminary Guide
Legal Issues in Mutual Aid Operations: A Preliminary Guide by Michael Haber
Legal Immunity for Physicians During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Needs to Address Legal and Ethical Challenges
Legal Immunity for Physicians During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Needs to Address Legal and Ethical Challenges by Robert Klitzman
Law, Structural Racism, and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Law, Structural Racism,and the COVID-19 Pandemic by Ruqaiijah Yearby and Seema Mohapatra
The Immediate Impact of COVID-19 on Law Enforcement in the United States
The Immediate Impact of COVID-19 on Law Enforcement in the United States by Wesley G. Jennings & Nicholas M. Perez
EU State Aid Law and Consumer Protection: An Unsettled Relationship in Times of Crisis
EU State Aid Law and Consumer Protection: An Unsettled Relationship in Times of Crisis by Kati Cseres & Agustin Reyna
COVID-19 legislation in the light of the precautionary principle
COVID-19 legislation in the light of the precautionary principle by Klaus Meßerschmidt
PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY SITUATION DUE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC – Position of the National Council of Ethics for the Life Sciences
Mental health and capacity laws in Northern Ireland and the COVID-19 pandemic: Examining powers, procedures and protections under emergency legislation
Mental health and capacity laws in Northern Ireland and the COVID-19 pandemic: Examining powers, procedures and protections under emergency legislation by Anne-Maree Farrell & Patrick Hann
“It’s about how much we can do, and not how little we can get away with”: Coronavirus related legislative changes for social care in the United Kingdom
“It’s about how much we can do, and not how little we can get away with”: Coronavirus related legislative changes for social care in the United Kingdom by Sarah Vicary, Kevin Stone, Pearse McCusker, Gavin Davidson, Tim Spencer-Lane
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité… Contaminé? Estimating the impact of French municipal elections on COVID-19 spread in France
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité… Contaminé? Estimating the impact of French municipal elections on COVID-19 spread in France by Guilhem Cassana & Marc Sangnier
‘The Most Demanding Test Known to Constitutional Law’: Do Coronavirus Bans on Church Services Satisfy Religious Freedom Restoration Act Requirements?
‘The Most Demanding Test Known to Constitutional Law’: Do Coronavirus Bans on Church Services Satisfy Religious Freedom Restoration Act Requirements? by Michael Conklin
Policymaking in a low-trust state: legitimacy, state capacity, and responses to COVID-19 in Hong Kong
Policymaking in a low-trust state: legitimacy, state capacity, and responses to COVID-19 in Hong Kong by Kris Hartley & Darryl S. L. Jarvis
Professional Obligations of Clinicians and Institutions in Pediatric Care Settings During a Public Health Crisis: A Review
Professional Obligations of Clinicians and Institutions in Pediatric Care Settings During a Public Health Crisis: A Review by Naomi T. Laventhal, MD, MA, Ratna B. Basak, MD, FRCPCH, Mary Lynn Dell, MD,DMin, Nannette Elster, JD, MPH, Gina Geis, MD, MS, Robert C. Macauley, MD, MarkR. Mercurio, MD, MA, Douglas J. Opel, MD, MPH, David I.Continua a leggere “Professional Obligations of Clinicians and Institutions in Pediatric Care Settings During a Public Health Crisis: A Review”
United but divided: policy responses and people’s perceptions in the EU during the COVID-19 outbreak
United but divided: policy responses and people’s perceptions in the EU during the COVID-19 outbreak by Iryna Sabat, Sebastian Neuman-B ̈ohme, Nirosha Elsem Varghese,Pedro Pita Barros, Werner Brouwer, Job van Exel, Jonas Schrey ̈ogg, Tom Stargardt
Filtrage des investissements directs étrangers dans l’UE et COVID-19: vers une politique commune d’investissement fondée sur la sécurité de l’Union
Filtrage des investissements directs étrangers dans l’UE et COVID-19: vers une politique commune d’investissement fondée sur la sécurité de l’Union by Sabrina Robert-Cuendet
The PSPP Judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court: Throwing Sand in the Wheels of the European Central Bank
The PSPP Judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court: Throwing Sand in the Wheels of the European Central Bank by Annamaria Viterbo
Was ist die europäische Rechtsgemeinschaft? Nichts. Alles!
Was ist die europäische Rechtsgemeinschaft? Nichts. Alles! by Thorben Klünder
COVID-19 and the WHO’s Political Moment
COVID-19 and the WHO’s Political Moment by Samantha Besson
Libertà di informazione e democrazia ai tempi delle fake news
Libertà di informazione e democrazia ai tempi delle fake news by Alessandro Candido
La sicurezza alimentare prima e dopo il Coronavirus
La sicurezza alimentare prima e dopo il Coronavirus by Dario Bevilacqua
La Germania alla prova del coronavirus tra Stato di diritto e misure emergenziali
La Germania alla prova del coronavirus tra Stato di diritto e misure emergenziali by Elena Buoso e Cristina Fraenkel-Haeberle
L’insostenibile “leggerezza” del Meccanismo europeo di stabilità. La democrazia alla prova dell’emergenza pandemica
L’insostenibile “leggerezza” del Meccanismo europeo di stabilità. La democrazia alla prova dell’emergenza pandemica by Fiammetta Salmoni
La giustizia in tempi di emergenza:il punto di vista dell’Avvocatura
La giustizia in tempi di emergenza:il punto di vista dell’Avvocatura
Diritto di voto e pandemia: le norme internazionali e gli interventi degli organismi sovranazionali
Diritto di voto e pandemia: le norme internazionali e gli interventi degli organismi sovranazionali by Andrea de Guttry
La Cina è immune al COVID-19? Riflessioni sulle cause di risarcimento contro la Cina per i danni causati dalla pandemia negli Stati Uniti
La Cina è immune al COVID-19? Riflessioni sulle cause di risarcimento contro la Cina per i danni causati dalla pandemia negli Stati Uniti by Angelica Bonfanti
Licenciement irrégulier, abusif ou nul: faites le point sur les sanctions applicables
Licenciement irrégulier, abusif ou nul: faites le point sur les sanctions applicables
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on counter terrorism and countering violent extremism
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on counter terrorism and countering violent extremism by UN Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate
Von Auserwählten und Systemrelevanten. Zur politischen Theologie der Pandemie
Von Auserwählten und Systemrelevanten. Zur politischen Theologie der Pandemie by Sebastian Wolf
Women’s Europe: Voices in Times of Covid
Women’s Europe: Voices in Times of Covid by Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnès Hubert, Ruth Rubio Marín
Nos données de santé en danger… quand l’arbre de la crise sanitaire cache la forêt de la perte de souveraineté!
Nos données de santé en danger… quand l’arbre de la crise sanitaire cache la forêt de la perte de souveraineté! by Nathalie Martial-Braz
Coronavirus : la Chine peut-elle être jugée devant les juridictions internationales ?
Coronavirus : la Chine peut-elle être jugée devant les juridictions internationales ? by Raphaëlle Nollez-Goldbach
The WHO: The Guardian of Human Rights during Pandemics?
The WHO: The Guardian of Human Rights during Pandemics? by Rana Moustafa Essawy
The right to enter his or her own country
The right to enter his or her own country by Rutsel Martha & Stephen Bailey
The unexpected resurgence of the Schengen area
The unexpected resurgence of the Schengen area by Daniel Thym
“Methodological Solange” or the spirit of PSPP
“Methodological Solange” or the spirit of PSPP BY DAVOR PETRIC
Echoes: What Happens when Football Is Played behind Closed Doors?
Echoes: What Happens when Football Is Played behind Closed Doors? by J. James Reade, Dominik Schreyer & Carl Singleton
Black Lives Matter Protests, Social Distancing, and Covid-19
Black Lives Matter Protests, Social Distancing, and Covid-19 by Dhaval Dave,, Andrew Friedson, Kyutaro Matsuzawa & Samuel Safford
COVID-19 as a Trade Mark in Australia: Issues and Implications
COVID-19 as a Trade Mark in Australia: Issues and Implications by Vicki T. Huang
Editorial: Volume 61: Intellectual Property information in the time of corona virus
Editorial: Volume 61: Intellectual Property information in the time of corona virus by Jane List in World Patent Information. 2020 Jun; 61: 101971.
COVID-19 and the Rebirth of Compulsory Licensing: An Examination of the Right to Health Care
COVID-19 and the Rebirth of Compulsory Licensing: An Examination of the Right to Health Care by Emaediong Akpan & Chinonyerem Ememobong
The case for compulsory licensing during COVID-19
The case for compulsory licensing during COVID-19 by Hilary Wong in J. Glob. Health. 2020 Jun; 10(1): 010358
Crisis-Critical Intellectual Property: Findings from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Crisis-Critical Intellectual Property: Findings from the COVID-19 Pandemic by Frank Tietze, Pratheeba Vimalnath, Leonidas Aristodemou & Jenny Molloy
Africa and counterfeit pharmaceuticals in the times of COVID-19
Africa and counterfeit pharmaceuticals in the times of COVID-19 by Marius Schneider & Nora Ho Tu Nam in Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Volume 15, Issue 6, June 2020, Pages 417–418
Thinking Slow About IP in Times of Pandemic
Thinking Slow About IP in Times of Pandemic by González Otero, B. – IIC (2020), 51, 2020, 555–558
Inherited Confusion. COVID-19, Tunisian Democracy, and the Adoption of the French Doctrine
Inherited Confusion. COVID-19, Tunisian Democracy, and the Adoption of the French Doctrine by Aymen Briki
Covid-19/ Morocco: Fears for victims of domestic violence in times of lockdown
Covid-19/ Morocco: Fears for victims of domestic violence in times of lockdown by Sabrine DARBALI
Il sistema georgiano e il Covid-19
Il sistema georgiano e il Covid-19 by Andrea Borroni
The impact of new coronavirus (COVID-19) on domestic violence and violence against women: the case of the Republic of Georgia
The impact of new coronavirus (COVID-19) on domestic violence and violence against women: the case of the Republic of Georgia by Andrea Borroni
Les championnats de football professionnel à l’arrêt : le Conseil d’État en arbitre
Les championnats de football professionnel à l’arrêt : le Conseil d’État en arbitre by Mathieu Maisonneuve
Mourir pendant le Covid-19 : analyse des dérogations au droit funéraire
Mourir pendant le Covid-19 : analyse des dérogations au droit funéraire by Guillaume Rousset
Le régime de sortie de l’état d’urgence sanitaire
Le régime de sortie de l’état d’urgence sanitaire by Xavier Bioy
Enquêtes parlementaires : que risque le gouvernement ?
Enquêtes parlementaires : que risque le gouvernement ? by Elina Lemaire
Coronavirus : ce que vous devez absolument savoir en tant qu’indépendant ou dirigeant d’entreprise
Coronavirus : ce que vous devez absolument savoir en tant qu’indépendant ou dirigeant d’entreprise
La sentenza del 12 marzo 2020, causa C- 576/18, Commissione c. Italia e alcune considerazioni sul principio di leale cooperazione ai tempi del Covid-19
La sentenza del 12 marzo 2020, causa C- 576/18, Commissione c. Italia e alcune considerazioni sul principio di leale cooperazione ai tempi del Covid-19 by RICCARDO TORRESAN
L’Ungheria di fronte all’emergenza da Covid-19: debolezza del quadro giuridico, militarizzazione dell’emergenza e controversie sulle misure economiche
L’Ungheria di fronte all’emergenza da Covid-19: debolezza del quadro giuridico,militarizzazione dell’emergenza e controversie sulle misure economiche by Simone Benvenuti
La risposta precoce ma controllata del Governo della Repubblica ceca di fronte all’emergenza da Covid-19
La risposta precoce ma controllata del Governo della Repubblica ceca di fronte all’emergenza da Covid-19 by Simone Benvenuti
La surveillance sanitaire de la population aux fins de lutter contre la covid-19
La surveillance sanitaire de la population aux fins de lutter contre la covid-19 (commentaire de l’article 11 de la loi du 11 mai 2020 prorogeant l’état d’urgence sanitaire et complétant ses dispositions) by Ludovic Pailler
Pourquoi le contrôle du déconfinement à Paris ne pouvait passer par les drones
Pourquoi le contrôle du déconfinement à Paris ne pouvait passer par les drones by Cyrille Dounot
Un nuovo “stato d’urgenza” per un’inedita emergenza: brevi annotazioni sul caso francese
Un nuovo “stato d’urgenza” per un’inedita emergenza: brevi annotazioni sul caso francese by Jessica De Vivo
Il Coronavirus Act 2020 e le misure adottate dal regno unito per affrontare l’emergenza Covid-19
Il Coronavirus Act 2020 e le misure adottate dal regno unito per affrontare l’emergenza Covid-19 by Giulia Caravale
Luci ed ombre sull’intervento dell’Unione Europea a fronte dell’emergenza del Covid-19
Luci ed ombre sull’intervento dell’Unione Europea a fronte dell’emergenza del Covid-19 by Francesca Rossi
Osservazioni sulla disciplina in materia di tutela dei dati personali in tempi di Covid-19. L’Italia e i modelli sudcoreano, israeliano e cinese: opzioni a confronto
Osservazioni sulla disciplina in materia di tutela dei dati personali in tempi di Covid-19. L’Italia e i modelli sudcoreano, israeliano e cinese: opzioni a confronto by Martina Cardone e Marco Cecili
L’autonomia sportiva ai tempi dell’emergenza sanitaria da Covid19
L’autonomia sportiva ai tempi dell’emergenza sanitaria da Covid19 by Maria Francesca Serra
Limiti e criticità dei sistemi costituzionali a fronte della emergenza Covid-19
Limiti e criticità dei sistemi costituzionali a fronte della emergenza Covid-19 by Aniello Formisano
Il sistema delle fonti e i provvedimenti adottati per contenere l’emergenza epidemiologica da COVID-19
Il sistema delle fonti e i provvedimenti adottati per contenere l’emergenza epidemiologica da COVID-19 by Alessandra Mazzola
In considerazione dell’emergenza sanitaria: Governo e Parlamento al banco di prova del Covid-19
In considerazione dell’emergenza sanitaria: Governo e Parlamento al banco di prova del Covid-19 by Giuliaserena Stegher
Emergenza epidemiologica Covid19, decretazione d’urgenza e Costituzione in senso materiale
Emergenza epidemiologica Covid19, decretazione d’urgenza e Costituzione in senso materiale by Francesca Petrini
Il Governo nell’emergenza (permanente). Sistema delle fonti e modello legislativo a partire dal caso Covid-19
Il Governo nell’emergenza (permanente). Sistema delle fonti e modello legislativo a partire dal caso Covid-19 by Umberto Ronga
Considerazioni sull’emergenza Coronavirus
Considerazioni sull’emergenza Coronavirus by Teresa Serra
Spunti e riflessioni minime a partire dall’emergenza sanitaria
Spunti e riflessioni minime a partire dall’emergenza sanitaria by Augusto Cerri
L’urgenge des libertes
L’urgenge des libertes by Dominique Rousseau
Investment Law in Corona Times: How Myths Fuel Injustice
Investment Law in Corona Times: How Myths Fuel Injustice by Alessandra Arcuri, Federica Violi, Sophia Paulini & Stephanie Triefus
Poteri normativi del Governo e libertà di circolazione al tempo del COVID-19
Poteri normativi del Governo e libertà di circolazione al tempo del COVID-19 by A. Candido
L’ircocervo normativo. Il decreto “Cura Italia” quale prototipo di una nuova legislazione emergenziale
L’ircocervo normativo. Il decreto “Cura Italia” quale prototipo di una nuova legislazione emergenziale by Andrea Vernata
Rassegna di fonti multilivello in tema di pandemia e assicurazioni
Rassegna di fonti multilivello in tema di pandemia e assicurazioni by Albina Candian
Ordonnance n° 2020-306 « délais » modifiée; Des dispositions générales très spéciales
Ordonnance n° 2020-306 « délais » modifiée; Des dispositions générales très spéciales by François Gilbert
Réflexions sur une justice sans accès au juge
Réflexions sur une justice sans accès au juge by Tristan Boyer & Juliette Griset
À l’obsession économique des nombres et au fétichisme juridique des règles, préférons le courage politique des choix
À l’obsession économique des nombres et au fétichisme juridique des règles, préférons le courage politique des choix; La BCE et la Cour constitutionnelle allemande by Francesco Martucci
Les principes directeurs du procès pénal à l’épreuve de l’épidémie de covid-19; À propos de l’ordonnance n° 2020-303 du 25 mars 2020 portant adaptation de règles de procédure pénale
Les principes directeurs du procès pénal à l’épreuve de l’épidémie de covid-19; À propos de l’ordonnance n° 2020-303 du 25 mars 2020 portant adaptation de règles de procédure pénale by Haritini Matsopoulou
Le sort des personnes détenues à l’épreuve de la crise sanitaire; Commentaire du chapitre VI de l’Ordonnance n° 2020-303 du 25 mars 2020
Le sort des personnes détenues à l’épreuve de la crise sanitaire; Commentaire du chapitre VI de l’Ordonnance n° 2020-303 du 25 mars 2020 by Muriel Giacopelli
Droit judiciaire privé
Droit judiciaire privé (Chronique 15.11.2019 / 15.5.2020) by Emmanuel Jeuland, Lucie Mayer & Liza Veyre
Nouvelles adaptations temporaires au droit de la copropriété
Nouvelles adaptations temporaires au droit de la copropriété by Hugues Périnet-Marquet
Covid19 : le Conseil d’État au chevet de la liberté de culte
Covid19 : le Conseil d’État au chevet de la liberté de culte by Gérard Gonzalez
Procédure civile et covid-19, acte II : de l’exception au principe ?
Procédure civile et covid-19, acte II : de l’exception au principe ? by Loïc Cadiet
La justice civile en temps de crise sanitaire; L’exemple de l’Angleterre et pistes de réflexion pour le système français
La justice civile en temps de crise sanitaire; L’exemple de l’Angleterre et pistes de réflexion pour le système français by Michaël Haravon
Avis CNPD projet de loi 7606
Avis CNPD projet de loi 7606
Prise de position de la Commission Nationale d’Éthique (C.N.E.) sur les aides informatiques dans la lutte contre la pandémie du Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
Prise de position de la Commission Nationale d’Éthique (C.N.E.) sur les aides informatiques dans la lutte contre la pandémie du Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
Holding or Postponing Elections During a COVID-19 Outbreak: Constitutional, Legal and Political Challenges in France
Holding or Postponing Elections During a COVID-19 Outbreak: Constitutional, Legal and Political Challenges in France – Case study by Romain Rambaud
Managing Elections under the COVID-19 Pandemic
Managing Elections under the COVID-19 Pandemic – The Republic of Korea’s Crucial Test by Antonio Spinelli
Elections and COVID-19
Elections and COVID-19
Constitutional Framework for the Declaration of a State of National Emergency
Constitutional Framework for the Declaration of a State of National Emergency
United Nations Guidance Note on Addressing and Countering COVID-19 related Hate Speech
United Nations Guidance Note on Addressing and Countering COVID-19 related Hate Speech
Parliaments and Crisis: Challenges and Innovations
Parliaments and Crisis: Challenges and Innovations by Jonathan Murphy
Legal Considerations When Delaying or Adapting Elections
Legal Considerations When Delaying or Adapting Elections by Katherine Ellena
The law of the European Union and Hungary’s Act XII of 2020 on the containment of coronavirus and Decrees issued thereunder by TIMOTHY OTTY QC, THOMAS DE LA MARE QC, EMILY NEILL & GEORGE MOLYNEAUX
The Political Scar of Epidemics
The Political Scar of Epidemics by Cevat Giray Aksoy, Barry Eichengreen, Orkun Saka
The European Union’s Response to the Coronavirus Emergency: An Early Assessment
The European Union’s Response to the Coronavirus Emergency: An Early Assessment by Tobias Tesche
Executives, Legislatures, and the Semantics of EU Public Law: A Pandemic-Inflected Perspective
Executives, Legislatures, and the Semantics of EU Public Law: A Pandemic-Inflected Perspective by Peter L. Lindseth
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on European Antitrust. Mere Adaptations or Real Changes?
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on European Antitrust. Mere Adaptations or Real Changes? by Václav Šmejkal
Pandemic, Fundamental Rights and Democracy – The Greek Example
Pandemic, Fundamental Rights and Democracy – The Greek Example by Evangelos Venizelos
Diálogo democrático y emergencia en América Latina
Diálogo democrático y emergencia en América Latina by Roberto Gargarella & Jorge Roa Roa
Medical Misinformation in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Medical Misinformation in the COVID-19 Pandemic by Sarah E. Kreps & Doug Kriner
FDA in the Time of Covid-19
FDA in the Time of Covid-19 by Elizabeth Y. McCuskey
Resolving Tensions Between Disability Rights Law and COVID-19 Mask Policies
Resolving Tensions Between Disability Rights Law and COVID-19 Mask Policies by Elizabeth Pendo, Robert Gatter. Seema Mohapatra
The Future of Artificial Intelligence in International Healthcare: An Index
The Future of Artificial Intelligence in International Healthcare: An Index by Julia M. Puaschunder
Il processo amministrativo solidale
Il processo amministrativo solidale by Simone Grassi
Società ed istituzioni dopo la pandemia: in dialogo con Edoardo Chiti
Società ed istituzioni dopo la pandemia: in dialogo con Edoardo Chiti by Francesco Manganaro
La “trappola” dell’art. 264 del d.l. 34/2020 (“decreto Rilancio”) per le autodichiarazioni. Le sanzioni “nascoste”
La “trappola” dell’art. 264 del d.l. 34/2020 (“decreto Rilancio”) per le autodichiarazioni. Le sanzioni “nascoste” by Maria Alessandra Sandulli
Normativa emergenziale ed esercizio pubblico del culto.
Normativa emergenziale ed esercizio pubblico del culto.Dai protocolli con le confessioni diverse dalla cattolica alla legge 22 maggio 2020, n. 35 by Alessandro Tira
Covid-19: come trasferire liquidità alle imprese con due strumenti innovativi in linea con le misure non convenzionali della BCE
Covid-19: come trasferire liquidità alle imprese con due strumenti innovativi in linea con le misure non convenzionali della BCE by Giuseppe Di Gaspare e Samuele Crosetti
COVID-19 financial measures adopted by Albania
COVID-19 financial measures adopted by Albania by Anduena Gjevori
La Messe est servie. Un segnale forte dal Consiglio di Stato francese in materia di tutela della libertà religiosa
La Messe est servie. Un segnale forte dal Consiglio di Stato francese in materia di tutela della libertà religiosa by Angelo Licastro
Stati Uniti d’America e CoViD-19: alcune fasi della gestione di una pandemia annunciata
Stati Uniti d’America e CoViD-19: alcune fasi della gestione di una pandemia annunciata by Maurizio Di Masi
Chinese CoViD-19 epidemic prevention and control measures: a brief review
Chinese CoViD-19 epidemic prevention and control measures: a brief review by Li Du
CoViD-19 pandemic in Sweden: measures, policy approach and legal and ethical debates
CoViD-19 pandemic in Sweden: measures, policy approach and legal and ethical debates by Ana Nordberg
Le misure di “lockdown”, la libertà di movimento e lo stato di diritto durante la pandemia di CoViD-19 in Inghilterra
Le misure di “lockdown”, la libertà di movimento e lo stato di diritto durante la pandemia di CoViD-19 in Inghilterra by Riccardo Labianco
Un’«imposizione democratica»: l’ordinamento costituzionale tedesco di fronte alla pandemia
Un’«imposizione democratica»: l’ordinamento costituzionale tedesco di fronte alla pandemia by Irene Domenici
The struggle against the COVID-19 pandemic in Macao
The struggle against the COVID-19 pandemic in Macao by Vera Lúcia Raposo, Man Teng Iong
Portugal, fighting COVID-19 in the edge of Europe
Portugal, fighting COVID-19 in the edge of Europe by Vera Lúcia Raposo
Against ideology? Examining social rights in Ireland during times of crisis
Against ideology? Examining social rights in Ireland during times of crisis by Charles O’Sullivan by Charles O’Sullivan
La emergencia de salud pública internacional derivada del Coronavirus (Covid-19) y la reacción normativa Brasileña: un panorama a partir de la ley 13.979/2020
La emergencia de salud pública internacional derivada del Coronavirus (Covid-19) y la reacción normativa Brasileña: un panorama a partir de la ley 13.979/2020 by Thomaz Fiterman Tedesco, Roberto Dias
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, garantía de derechos fundamentales y límites a los mismos en el Derecho español
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, garantía de derechos fundamentales y límites a los mismos en el Derecho español by Miguel Ángel Presno Linera
The Brazilian government’s actions against the Covid-19
The Brazilian government’s actions against the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) by Sthéfano Bruno Santos Divino
La task force per le fake news sul CoViD-19 tra protezione del diritto all’informazione e ipotesi di censura del web
La task force per le fake news sul CoViD-19 tra protezione del diritto all’informazione e ipotesi di censura del web by Luca Rinaldi
La libertà di informazione al tempo della pandemia. Rilievi critici in margine all’istituzione dell’«unità di monitoraggio per il contrasto della diffusione di fake news relative al CoViD-19 sul web e sui social network»
La libertà di informazione al tempo della pandemia. Rilievi critici in margine all’istituzione dell’«unità di monitoraggio per il contrasto della diffusione di fake news relative al CoViD-19 sul web e sui social network» by Benedetto Ponti
Comunicare la scienza “in tempo di guerra”: il ruolo degli esperti in pubblico e quello della formazione
Comunicare la scienza “in tempo di guerra”: il ruolo degli esperti in pubblico e quello della formazione by Massimiano Bucchi
La repubblica degli scienziati? Saperi esperti e biopolitica ai tempi del Coronavirus
La repubblica degli scienziati? Saperi esperti e biopolitica ai tempi del Coronavirus by Alessia Farano
La soglia della postmodernità biologica. Epidemia di Covid-19 tra tecnologie politiche e comunicazione
La soglia della postmodernità biologica. Epidemia di Covid-19 tra tecnologie politiche e comunicazione by Anna Maria Campanale
Il principio di precauzione nell’attuale emergenza sanitaria
Il principio di precauzione nell’attuale emergenza sanitaria by Clara Silvano
Il principio di precauzione tra diritto e scienza nell’emergenza da COVID-19
Il principio di precauzione tra diritto e scienza nell’emergenza da COVID-19 by Tullia Penna
Il principio di precauzione ai tempi del COVID-19 tra “rischio” ed “emergenza”
Il principio di precauzione ai tempi del COVID-19 tra “rischio” ed “emergenza” by Teresa Pasquino
Alcuni spunti in tema di esercizio precauzionale della funzione comunicativa
Alcuni spunti in tema di esercizio precauzionale della funzione comunicativa by Simone Franca
Rischio, contagio e responsabilità. Sulla “sconsideratezza” penalmente rilevante
Rischio, contagio e responsabilità. Sulla “sconsideratezza” penalmente rilevante by Andrea Perin
L’Europa e la crisi del Coronavirus: alla (ri)scoperta del principio di precauzione
L’Europa e la crisi del Coronavirus: alla (ri)scoperta del principio di precauzione by Alessandra Donati
La regola, l’eccezione e la tecnologia
La regola, l’eccezione e la tecnologia by Amedeo Santosuosso
Diritti individuali e doveri di solidarietà: la new economy durante l’emergenza. Brevi spunti di riflessione
Diritti individuali e doveri di solidarietà: la new economy durante l’emergenza. Brevi spunti di riflessione by Massimiliano Baroni
La scienza non sarà più la stessa. Più condivisione, cooperazione e solidarietà dopo il Covid-19?
La scienza non sarà più la stessa. Più condivisione, cooperazione e solidarietà dopo il Covid-19? by Roberto Caso
La tecnologia ci salverà? Intelligenza Artificiale, salute individuale e salute collettiva ai tempi del Coronavirus
La tecnologia ci salverà? Intelligenza Artificiale, salute individuale e salute collettiva ai tempi del Coronavirus by Marta Fasan
La data protection ai tempi del coronavirus tra prevenzione dei reati e repressione del contagio
La data protection ai tempi del coronavirus tra prevenzione dei reati e repressione del contagio by Massimo Farina
Le tecnologie, la protezione dei dati e l’emergenza Coronavirus: rapporto tra il possibile e il legalmente consentito
Le tecnologie, la protezione dei dati e l’emergenza Coronavirus: rapporto tra il possibile e il legalmente consentito by Francesco Paolo Micozzi
Spagna Comunità autonome – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Giovanni Poggeschi
Canada – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Eleonora Ceccherini
What can we expect from the EU legal framework in a pandemic outbreak?
What can we expect from the EU legal framework in a pandemic outbreak? By Iñigo de Miguel-Beriain
Le prime risposte dell’Unione Europea alle conseguenze economiche della crisi CoViD-19
Le prime risposte dell’Unione Europea alle conseguenze economiche della crisi CoViD-19 by Marco Dani, Agustin José Menéndez
La Dichiarazione di pandemia di COVID-19 dell’OMS: implicazioni di governance sanitaria globale
La Dichiarazione di pandemia di COVID-19 dell’OMS: implicazioni di governance sanitaria globale by Ilja Richard Pavone
Il Regolamento Sanitario Internazionale dell’OMS alla prova dell’emergenza Covid-19
Il Regolamento Sanitario Internazionale dell’OMS alla prova dell’emergenza Covid-19 by Giulia Perrone
COVID-19 & the International Health Regulations: the Fallout of a Multinational Framework?
COVID-19 & the International Health Regulations: the Fallout of a Multinational Framework? by Lauren Tonti
La scienza oltre i confini: il ruolo dell’OMS e il dovere di cooperazione internazionale
La scienza oltre i confini: il ruolo dell’OMS e il dovere di cooperazione internazionale by Simona Fanni
Coronavirus ed Unione Europea: i dispositivi IPCR e la task force del 2 marzo 2020
Coronavirus ed Unione Europea: i dispositivi IPCR e la task force del 2 marzo 2020 by Antonella Galletti
What can we expect from the EU legal framework in a pandemic outbreak?
What can we expect from the EU legal framework in a pandemic outbreak? by Iñigo de Miguel, Elena Atienza-Macías
Diritto alla salute e responsabilità medica alla prova del CoViD-19
Diritto alla salute e responsabilità medica alla prova del CoViD-19 by Alessandra Pisu
La pandemia CoViD-19 e il dilemma per l’etica quando le risorse sono limitate: chi curare?
La pandemia CoViD-19 e il dilemma per l’etica quando le risorse sono limitate: chi curare? by Laura Palazzani
Telemedicina ed emergenza sanitaria: un grande rimpianto per il nostro Paese
Telemedicina ed emergenza sanitaria: un grande rimpianto per il nostro Paese by Carlo Botrugno
Eutanasia e Covid-19. Perché l’espansione della pandemia del secolo richiede un’urgente riflessione in merito ad eutanasia ed assistenza al suicidio
Eutanasia e Covid-19. Perché l’espansione della pandemia del secolo richiede un’urgente riflessione in merito ad eutanasia ed assistenza al suicidio by Alessandro Ferrara
Le ricerche scientifiche durante l’emergenza sanitaria (il covid-19). Quale base giuridica per l’arruolamento dei pazienti?
Le ricerche scientifiche durante l’emergenza sanitaria (il covid-19). Quale base giuridica per l’arruolamento dei pazienti? by Luigi Rufo
Il processo decisionale per le cure intensive in situazioni di emergenza: l’etica medica e le cure palliative ai tempi del COVID-19
Il processo decisionale per le cure intensive in situazioni di emergenza: l’etica medica e le cure palliative ai tempi del COVID-19 by Ludovica De Panfilis, Silvia Tanzi, Massimo Costantini
Farmaci off label e sperimentazione clinica: l’emergenza COVID-19 svela le potenzialità del dato normativo
Farmaci off label e sperimentazione clinica: l’emergenza COVID-19 svela le potenzialità del dato normativo by Francesca Cerea
Tragic choices in the time of pandemics
Tragic choices in the time of pandemics by Paolo Sommaggio, Samuela Marchiori
La pandemia e il dilemma per l’etica quando le risorse sono limitate: chi curare?
La pandemia e il dilemma per l’etica quando le risorse sono limitate: chi curare? by Laura Palazzani
Covid-19: criteri etici
Covid-19: criteri etici by Lorenzo d’Avack
Vladimiro Zagrebelsky, L’accesso alle cure intensive fra emergenza virale e legittimità delle decisioni allocative
Vladimiro Zagrebelsky, L’accesso alle cure intensive fra emergenza virale e legittimità delle decisioni allocative by Caterina Di Costanzo
La scuola ai tempi del Covid-19. Una prima lettura del decreto-legge n. 22 del 2020
La scuola ai tempi del Covid-19. Una prima lettura del decreto-legge n. 22 del 2020 by Paolo Maci
La solidarietà come vettore per uscire dalla crisi: prospettive dall’angolo di osservazione della medicina e della ricerca scientifica
La solidarietà come vettore per uscire dalla crisi: prospettive dall’angolo di osservazione della medicina e della ricerca scientifica by Marta Tomasi
L’ombra del cigno nero sui rapporti negoziali: il riequilibrio contrattuale nelle locazioni ad uso commerciale a seguito delle restrizioni per il Covid-19
L’ombra del cigno nero sui rapporti negoziali: il riequilibrio contrattuale nelle locazioni ad uso commerciale a seguito delle restrizioni per il Covid-19 by Pasquale Serrao d’Aquino
La legalità penale nella morsa dell’emergenza coronavirus
La legalità penale nella morsa dell’emergenza coronavirus by Carmelo Rizzo
Epidemie, diritti fondamentali e doveri dell’individuo
Epidemie, diritti fondamentali e doveri dell’individuo by Ludovica Poli
Libertà e doveri: questioni costituzionali alla luce dell’emergenza Covid-19
Libertà e doveri: questioni costituzionali alla luce dell’emergenza Covid-19 by Adele Palma
Urne rinviate per virus: la soluzione di (inattesi) conflitti tra diritto al voto e diritto alla salute
Urne rinviate per virus: la soluzione di (inattesi) conflitti tra diritto al voto e diritto alla salute by Gabriele Maestri
Salus rei publicae e salus animarum, ovvero sovranità della Chiesa e laicità dello Stato: gli artt. 7 e 19 Cost. ai tempi del coronavirus
Salus rei publicae e salus animarum, ovvero sovranità della Chiesa e laicità dello Stato: gli artt. 7 e 19 Cost. ai tempi del coronavirus by Matteo Carrer
Emergenza Covid-19 e bilanciamento di diritti costituzionali: quale spazio per la legalità sostanziale?
Emergenza Covid-19 e bilanciamento di diritti costituzionali: quale spazio per la legalità sostanziale? by Matteo De Nes
La dimensione costituzionale dell’emergenza: come l’epidemia moltiplica le disuguaglianze
La dimensione costituzionale dell’emergenza: come l’epidemia moltiplica le disuguaglianze by Carla Maria Reale
Il «diritto umano alla scienza» e l’emergenza da CoViD-19
Il «diritto umano alla scienza» e l’emergenza da CoViD-19 by Valentina Zambrano
Diritti sociali al tempo dell’emergenza coronavirus: una “prima analisi” in chiave antropologico-giuridica
Diritti sociali al tempo dell’emergenza coronavirus: una “prima analisi” in chiave antropologico-giuridica by Christian Crocetta
Il TAR in via cautelare non sospende l’ordinanza che vieta l’attività fisica, Nota a TAR Campania, sez. V, n. 01048/2020 del 18.3.2020
Il TAR in via cautelare non sospende l’ordinanza che vieta l’attività fisica, Nota a TAR Campania, sez. V, n. 01048/2020 del 18.3.2020 by Camilla Della Giustina
Sui raccordi tra livelli di governo in tempi di emergenza
Sui raccordi tra livelli di governo in tempi di emergenza by Francesco Severa
Il Servizio Sanitario nazionale alla prova dell’emergenza covid-19: il rischio di una sanità disuguale
Il Servizio Sanitario nazionale alla prova dell’emergenza covid-19: il rischio di una sanità disuguale by Carlo Ciardo
Epidemia e differenziazione territoriale
Epidemia e differenziazione territoriale by Marco Betzu, Pietro Ciarlo
Il principio di unità e indivisibilità della Repubblica ai tempi dell’emergenza COVID-19
Il principio di unità e indivisibilità della Repubblica ai tempi dell’emergenza COVID-19 by Fabio Francesco Pagano
Un’illegittimità troppo breve per essere accertata?
Un’illegittimità troppo breve per essere accertata? Note minime su due ordinanze contingibili e urgenti in materia di sanità pubblica della Regione Basilicata by Federico Ponte
Coronavirus, spostamenti, motivazioni, autocertificazione
Coronavirus, spostamenti, motivazioni, autocertificazione by Felice Ancora
Emergenza sanitaria ed ordinamento democratico: questioni di metodo e di valore
Emergenza sanitaria ed ordinamento democratico: questioni di metodo e di valore by Luca Buscema
Stato di necessità e bilanciamenti costituzionali: sulla proporzionalità delle misure di contrasto al CoViD-19
Stato di necessità e bilanciamenti costituzionali: sulla proporzionalità delle misure di contrasto al CoViD-19 by Giulio Battistella
La forma è sostanza? Alcune sommarie riflessioni sulla gestione dell’emergenza COVID-19 in Italia
La forma è sostanza? Alcune sommarie riflessioni sulla gestione dell’emergenza COVID-19 in Italia by Elena Falletti
Sulla legittimità dei provvedimenti del Governo a contrasto dell’emergenza virale da coronavirus
Sulla legittimità dei provvedimenti del Governo a contrasto dell’emergenza virale da coronavirus by Edoardo C. Raffiotta
Decretazione d’urgenza e perimetro costituzionale nello stato di “emergenza epidemiologica”
Decretazione d’urgenza e perimetro costituzionale nello stato di “emergenza epidemiologica” by Andrea Vernata
Leggi “science driven” e CoViD-19. Il rapporto fra politica e scienza nello stato di emergenza sanitaria
Leggi “science driven” e CoViD-19. Il rapporto fra politica e scienza nello stato di emergenza sanitaria by Antonio Iannuzzi
La catena della normativa emergenziale in risposta alle minacce di diffusione del COVID 19
La catena della normativa emergenziale in risposta alle minacce di diffusione del COVID 19 by Laura Fabiano
Le fonti della crisi. Fra esigenze unitarie e garanzie costituzionali nel governo dell’emergenza da Covid-19
Le fonti della crisi. Fra esigenze unitarie e garanzie costituzionali nel governo dell’emergenza da Covid-19 by Luca Dell’Atti, Giuseppe Naglieri
Il ruolo del comitato tecnico-scientifico in Italia e Francia nell’emergenza CoViD-19
Il ruolo del comitato tecnico-scientifico in Italia e Francia nell’emergenza CoViD-19 by Giacomo Mingardo
La Costituzione sotto stress ai tempi del Coronavirus
La Costituzione sotto stress ai tempi del Coronavirus by Francesco Torre
Brevi considerazioni su stato d’emergenza e stato costituzionale
Brevi considerazioni su stato d’emergenza e stato costituzionale by Roberto Ravì Pinto
Lo stato di eccezione nell’ordinamento italiano. Riflessioni a partire dalle misure di contenimento dell’emergenza epidemiologica da Covid-19
Lo stato di eccezione nell’ordinamento italiano. Riflessioni a partire dalle misure di contenimento dell’emergenza epidemiologica da Covid-19 by Giovanni Comazzetto
Funzionalità delle istituzioni e impedimento dei titolari. Note sulla supplenza in tempo di epidemia
Funzionalità delle istituzioni e impedimento dei titolari. Note sulla supplenza in tempo di epidemia by Giulio Santini
Le decisioni pubbliche ai tempi del coronavirus: tra fondatezza scientifica, principio di precauzione e tutela dei diritti
Le decisioni pubbliche ai tempi del coronavirus: tra fondatezza scientifica, principio di precauzione e tutela dei diritti by Lavinia Del Corona
Diritto e diritti nell’emergenza: ripartire dalla Costituzione
Diritto e diritti nell’emergenza: ripartire dalla Costituzione by Giacomo Menegatto
Verso una regolamentazione degli stati di emergenza per il Parlamento: proposte a regime e possibili anticipazioni immediate
Verso una regolamentazione degli stati di emergenza per il Parlamento: proposte a regime e possibili anticipazioni immediate by Stefano Ceccanti
Poscritto. Costituzione ed emergenza: verso la fine del tunnel, con qualche speranza e (ancora) con qualche dubbio
Poscritto. Costituzione ed emergenza: verso la fine del tunnel, con qualche speranza e (ancora) con qualche dubbio by Antonio D’Aloia
Costituzione ed emergenza. L’esperienza del Coronavirus
Costituzione ed emergenza. L’esperienza del Coronavirus by Antonio D’Aloia
Flessibile diritto: il diritto alla protezione dei dati personali nella lockdown exit strategy europea
Flessibile diritto: il diritto alla protezione dei dati personali nella lockdown exit strategy europea by ANNA MARIA CAMPANALE
Ultra vires and constitutional identity control – apples and oranges or two drops of water?
Ultra vires and constitutional identity control – apples and oranges or two drops of water? by Władysław Jóźwicki
Pandemic, Emergency Power, and Implications on the Right to Seek Asylum
Pandemic, Emergency Power, and Implications on the Right to Seek Asylum by Junteng Zheng
The Collapse of Global Cooperation under the WHO International Health Regulations at the Outset of COVID-19: Sculpting the Future of Global Health Governance
The Collapse of Global Cooperation under the WHO International Health Regulations at the Outset of COVID-19: Sculpting the Future of Global Health Governance by Allyn L. Taylor and Roojin Habibi
IHR 2005 in the Coronavirus Pandemic: A Need for a New Instrument to Overcome Fragmentation?
IHR 2005 in the Coronavirus Pandemic: A Need for a New Instrument to OvercomeFragmentation? By Jaemin Lee
Less regulation for better regulation: ipertrofia normativa e pressappochismo linguistico ai tempi della pandemia da Covid19
Less regulation for better regulation: ipertrofia normativa e pressappochismo linguistico ai tempi della pandemia da Covid19 by A. Chiappetta
Un approccio diverso: l’emergenza “collaborativa”del federalismo tedesco
Un approccio diverso: l’emergenza “collaborativa”del federalismo tedesco di Andrea De Petris
In attesa del ritorno nelle scuole, riflessioni (in ordine sparso) sulla scuola, tra senso del luogo e prospettive della tecnologia
In attesa del ritorno nelle scuole, riflessioni (in ordine sparso) sulla scuola, tra senso del luogo e prospettive della tecnologia by Giuseppe Laneve
Il trasporto pubblico locale nella pandemia
Il trasporto pubblico locale nella pandemia. Annotazioni giuridiche sui primi interventi normativi by Matteo Carrer
Emergenza sanitaria e articolo 15 CEDU: perché la Corte europea dovrebbe intensificare il sindacato sulle deroghe ai diritti fondamentali
Emergenza sanitaria e articolo 15 CEDU: perché la Corte europea dovrebbe intensificare il sindacato sulle deroghe ai diritti fondamentali by Roberta Lugarà
Towards virtual arbitration?
Towards virtual arbitration? by Giorgio De Nova
Il processo innanzi alla Corte costituzionale in tempo di emergenza epidemiologica: specificità e omologazione delle modalità telematiche
Il processo innanzi alla Corte costituzionale in tempo di emergenza epidemiologica: specificità e omologazione delle modalità telematiche by Michela Troisi
Il funzionamento delle Camere durante l’emergenza sanitaria. Riflessioni sulla difficile praticabilità di un Parlamento “telematico”
Il funzionamento delle Camere durante l’emergenza sanitaria. Riflessioni sulla difficile praticabilità di un Parlamento “telematico” by Francesca Biondi e Pietro Villaschi
“Fase 2”. I giudizi camerali nel processo amministrativo, oltre la legislazione dell’emergenza: Riti speciali, camere di consiglio atipiche e funzione preparatoria della decisione di merito
“Fase 2”. I giudizi camerali nel processo amministrativo, oltre la legislazione dell’emergenza: Riti speciali, camere di consiglio atipiche e funzione preparatoria della decisione di merito by Marco Lipari
La giustizia civile nell’emergenza e dopo. Intervista al Presidente Bichi
La giustizia civile nell’emergenza e dopo. Intervista al Presidente Bichi
El derecho a la identidad personal frente a la problemática del COVID-19
Carlos Antonio Agurto Gonzáles* María-Pía Guadalupe Díaz Díaz¨ RESUMEN: El derecho a la identidad personal es uno de los más importantes del sujeto de derecho, ya que consiste en el reconocimiento de su esencia misma: “ser yo y no otro”. Superando la concepción estática de identidad, presentada como identificación, en el Perú se ha desarrolladoContinua a leggere “El derecho a la identidad personal frente a la problemática del COVID-19”
Réforme de la procédure de divorce : une autre victime du COVID
Réforme de la procédure de divorce : une autre victime du COVID by Stéphanie Travade Lannoy
Covid-19 : une ordonnance pour aider les professionnels du sport et de la culture
Covid-19 : une ordonnance pour aider les professionnels du sport et de la culture by Christophe Lachièze
Auditions devant les commissions d’enquête parlementaires relatives à la gestion de la crise du Covid-19 : ne pas transiger sur le respect des droits de la défense
Auditions devant les commissions d’enquête parlementaires relatives à la gestion de la crise du Covid-19 : ne pas transiger sur le respect des droits de la défense by Ludovic Malgrain et Arthur Merle-Beral
Les pensions alimentaires à l’épreuve du COVID-19
Les pensions alimentaires à l’épreuve du COVID-19 by Mélanie Courmont-Jamet et Pauline Gourdon
Le don de « congés » aux personnels des secteurs sanitaire et médico-social sous forme de « chèquesvacances»
Le don de « congés » aux personnels des secteurs sanitaire et médico-social sous forme de « chèquesvacances» by Franck Petit
Prescription d’hydroxychloroquine : un cadre réglementaire exigeant mais protecteu
Prescription d’hydroxychloroquine : un cadre réglementaire exigeant mais protecteu by Marianne Schaffner
Le Conseil constitutionnel sème le désordre dans le statut des ordonnances non ratifiées
Le Conseil constitutionnel sème le désordre dans le statut des ordonnances non ratifiées by Bertrand Mathieu
La Belgique entre crise politique et crise sanitaire (mars-mai 2020)
La Belgique entre crise politique et crise sanitaire (mars-mai 2020) by Jean Faniel & Caroline Sägesser
Shortages, Price Hikes, and Profiteering: Pandemic Effects on UK Supermarkets and Online Markets
Shortages, Price Hikes, and Profiteering: Pandemic Effects on UK Supermarkets and Online Markets by Timothy Cowen
Brief overview of articles and newsletters concerning the impact of COVID-19 in Danish law
Brief overview of articles and newsletters concerning the impact of COVID-19 in Danish law by Vibe Ulfbeck
Covid-19 mobilapps og GDPRs krav til samtykke – et overblik for private aktører
Covid-19 mobilapps og GDPRs krav til samtykke – et overblik for private aktører
Coronavirus: Hvordan skal arbejdsgivere forholde sig?
Coronavirus: Hvordan skal arbejdsgivere forholde sig?
Increasing prices for COVID-19 relevant products and certain pharmaceuticals may violate competition law
Increasing prices for COVID-19 relevant products and certain pharmaceuticals may violate competition law by Rune Hamborg & Jacob Borum
Corona og entreprenørens ret til tid og penge
Corona og entreprenørens ret til tid og penge
COVID-19 – Outsourcing customers are facing hard choices but can leverage robust contract protections
COVID-19 – Outsourcing customers are facing hard choices but can leverage robust contract protections
Coronavirus as force majeure? Implications for commercial contracts
Coronavirus as force majeure? Implications for commercial contracts
Force majeure and delivery issues in outsourcing and it-contracts, practical solutions
Force majeure and delivery issues in outsourcing and it-contracts, practical solutions
COVID-19: The Danish Epidemic Act
COVID-19: The Danish Epidemic Act
COVID-19: Guidance for Employers in Denmark
COVID-19: Guidance for Employers in Denmark by Mia Boesen & Soren Pedersen
COVID-19: How to manage the leasehold? Shall rent be paid? And is the tenant obligated to keep the premises open for business?
COVID-19: How to manage the leasehold? Shall rent be paid? And is the tenant obligated to keep the premises open for business? by Ieben Christensen & Anne-Cathrine Søegaard Tolsøe
COVID-19 virus: Restrictions on business leaseholds
COVID-19 virus: Restrictions on business leaseholds
Coronavirus – not force majeure in public contracts
Coronavirus – not force majeure in public contracts by Gitte Holtsø & Lise Aaby Nielsen
COVID-19 and ‘War’ Clauses in Investment Treaties: A Breach through the Wall of State Sovereignty?
COVID-19 and ‘War’ Clauses in Investment Treaties: A Breach through the Wall of State Sovereignty? by Kit De Vriese
COVID-19, the right to education and Bangladesh
COVID-19, the right to education and Bangladesh by Psymhe Wadud
The USA and the World Health Organization: What has President Trump actually decided and what are its consequences?
The USA and the World Health Organization: What has President Trump actually decided and what are its consequences? by Gian Luca Burci
Justified Border Closures do not violate the International Health Regulations 2005
Justified Border Closures do not violate the International Health Regulations 2005 by Caroline Foster
The German Federal Constitutional Court’s PSPP Judgment: Proportionality Review Par Excellence
The German Federal Constitutional Court’s PSPP Judgment: Proportionality Review Par Excellence by JACOB ÖBERG
Digital Contact Tracing for Pandemic Response
Digital Contact Tracing for Pandemic ResponseKahn, Jeffrey, Johns Hopkins Project on Ethics and Governance of Digital ContactTracing Technologies
The ‘Constitutional Military Intervention’: Brazil on the Verge of Democratic Breakdown
The ‘Constitutional Military Intervention’: Brazil on the Verge of Democratic Breakdown by João Victor Archegas & Leticia Kreuz
Five Reasons to Question the Legality of a National Security Law for Hong Kong
Five Reasons to Question the Legality of a National Security Law for Hong Kong by Johannes M.M. Chan
Lifting Travel Restrictions in the Era of COVID-19: In Search of a European Approach
Lifting Travel Restrictions in the Era of COVID-19: In Search of a European Approach by Peter van Elsuwege
The EU Judiciary After Weiss
The EU Judiciary After Weiss. Proposing A New Mixed Chamber of the Court of Justice by Daniel Sarmiento & Joseph H.H. Weiler
The Faceless Court
The Faceless Court by Angela Huyue Zhang
In Praise of Uncertainty
In Praise of Uncertainty. The Constitutional Court’s PSPP Decision by Russell A. Miller
It’s the Autonomy (Again, Again and Again), Stupid!
It’s the Autonomy (Again, Again and Again), Stupid! Autonomy Between Constitutional Orders and the Definition of a Judicial Last Word by Francisco de Abreu Duarte, Miguel Mota Delgado
Taming the Karlsruhe Dragon
Taming the Karlsruhe Dragon. Three practical proposals by Daniel Reichert-Facilides
Il ruolo dell’art. 2236 c.c. nella responsabilità sanitaria per danni da Covid-19
Il ruolo dell’art. 2236 cc nella responsabilità sanitaria per danni da COVID-19 by Mirko Faccioli
La decisione della Corte Costituzionale tedesca come spinta verso una gestione solidale del debito europeo? Ai posteri l’ardua sentenza
La decisione della Corte Costituzionale tedesca come spinta verso una gestione solidale del debito europeo? Ai posteri l’ardua sentenza by Massimo Amato
Belgio – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Giacomo Delledonne
Repubblica Ceca – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Arianna Angeli
COVID-19 Soft Law: Voluminous, Effective, Legitimate? A Research Agenda
COVID-19 Soft Law: Voluminous, Effective, Legitimate? A Research Agenda by Oana Stefan
Lifting the Veil: COVID-19 and the Need to Re-consider Airline Regulation Francesco Munari
Lifting the Veil: COVID-19 and the Need to Re-consider Airline Regulation by Francesco Munari
WTO Dispute Settlement in the Wake of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Exploring the Possible Benefits and Limits of Contemporary Mechanisms
WTO Dispute Settlement in the Wake of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Exploring the Possible Benefits and Limits of Contemporary Mechanisms by Hsien Wu
The Coronavirus Pandemic and International Investment Arbitration
The Coronavirus Pandemic and International Investment Arbitration – Application of ‘Security Exceptions’ Clauses in Investment Agreements by Jaemin Lee
The Role of International Health Regulations in Combating COVID-19
The Role of International Health Regulations in Combating COVID-19 by Heidi Eissa
Leading the Fight Against the Pandemic: Does Gender ‘Really’ Matter?
Leading the Fight Against the Pandemic: Does Gender ‘Really’ Matter? by Supriya Garikipati & Uma Kambhampati
A Stress-Test for Democracy: Analysing the New Zealand Government’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic from a Constitutional Perspective
A Stress-Test for Democracy: Analysing the New Zealand Government’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic from a Constitutional Perspective by Myra Williamson
Postponing Federal Elections Due to Election Emergencies
Postponing Federal Elections Due to Election Emergencies by Michael Morley
Le Cameroun après le COVID 19: Réalités et défis
Le Cameroun après le COVID 19: Réalités et défis by Alain Ndedi & Jean Noundou
Impact of COVID-19 on Insurers
Impact of COVID-19 on Insurers by Divya Kirti and Mu Yang Shin
Private Debt Resolution Measures in the Wake of the Pandemic
Private Debt Resolution Measures in the Wake of the Pandemic by Yan Liu, José Garrido, and Chanda DeLon
Global Economic Prospects (June 2020)
Global Economic Prospects (June 2020)
Achieving privacy by design in contact tracing measures
Achieving privacy by design in contact tracing measures – GLOBAL PRIVACY ASSEMBLY
Responding to the COVID-19 and pandemic protection gap in insurance
Responding to the COVID-19 and pandemic protection gap in insurance
Supporting businesses in financial distress to avoid insolvency during the COVID-19 crisis
Supporting businesses in financial distress to avoid insolvency during the COVID-19 crisis
Building Back Better: A Sustainable, Resilient Recovery after COVID-19
Building Back Better: A Sustainable, Resilient Recovery after COVID-19
Recomendaciones para el tratamiento de datos personales ante la situación de emergencia sanitaria nacional
Recomendaciones para el tratamiento de datos personales ante la situación de emergencia sanitaria nacional – Uruguay
Remote learning and children’s privacy
Remote learning and children’s privacy – FTC
COPPA Guidance for Ed Tech Companies and Schools during the Coronavirus
COPPA Guidance for Ed Tech Companies and Schools during the Coronavirus – FTC
Coronavirus Scams: What the FTC is Doing
Coronavirus Scams: What the FTC is Doing
FTC, FDA Send Warning Letters to Seven Companies about Unsupported Claims that Products Can Treat or Prevent Coronavirus
FTC, FDA Send Warning Letters to Seven Companies about Unsupported Claims that Products Can Treat or Prevent Coronavirus
COVID-19: States should not abuse emergency measures to suppress human rights – UN experts
COVID-19: States should not abuse emergency measures to suppress human rights – UN experts
How we will regulate during coronavirus
How we will regulate during coronavirus – ICO
Stay one step ahead of the scammers
Stay one step ahead of the scammers – ICO
Data protection and working from home – what you need to know
Data protection and working from home – what you need to know – ICO
Health, social care organisations and coronavirus – what you need to know
Health, social care organisations and coronavirus – what you need to know – ICO
Workplace testing – guidance for employers
Workplace testing – guidance for employers – ICO
Information Commissioner’s Opinion: Apple and Google joint initiative on COVID-19 contact tracing technology
Information Commissioner’s Opinion: Apple and Google joint initiative on COVID-19 contact tracing technology – ICO
Information hub on data protection and coronavirus
Information hub on data protection and coronavirus – ICO
Processing of Location Data and Tracking Mobility of Individuals to Combat Covid-19
Processing of Location Data and Tracking Mobility of Individuals to Combat Covid-19 – Turkey
Protection of Personal Data During the Fight Against COVID-19
Protection of Personal Data During the Fight Against COVID-19 – Turkey
Public Announcement on Distance Learning Platforms
Public Announcement on Distance Learning Platforms – Turkey
Recommandations de L’instance Nationale de Protection des Données Personelles Relatif a la Protection des Données Personnelles en Periode de COVID-19
Recommandations de L’instance Nationale de Protection des Données Personelles Relatif a la Protection des Données Personnelles en Periode de COVID-19 – INPDP
Legal data protection framework for coronavirus containment
Legal data protection framework for coronavirus containment – FDPIC
Measures for the safe use of audio and video conferencing systems
Measures for the safe use of audio and video conferencing systems – FDPIC
Update Proximity Tracing App
Update Proximity Tracing App – FDPIC
Coronavirus protection plans
Coronavirus protection plans – FDPIC
Comunicado de la AEPD en relación con webs y apps que ofrecen autoevaluaciones y consejos sobre el Coronavirus
Comunicado de la AEPD en relación con webs y apps que ofrecen autoevaluaciones y consejos sobre el Coronavirus – Spain
La AEPD publica un informe sobre los tratamientos de datos en relación con el COVID-19
La AEPD publica un informe sobre los tratamientos de datos en relación con el COVID-19 – Spain
Report from the State Legal Service Department (the Spanish DPA) on Processing Activities Relating to the Obligation for Controllers from Private Companies and Public Administrations to Report on Workers Suffering from Covid-19
Report from the State Legal Service Department (the Spanish DPA) on Processing Activities Relating to the Obligation for Controllers from Private Companies and Public Administrations to Report on Workers Suffering from Covid-19 – Spain
Statement regarding the processing of personal data related to the measures to deal with COVID-19
Statement regarding the processing of personal data related to the measures to deal with COVID-19 – Spain
Data Privacy Issues of Sick People and People in Quarantine and Data Requests from Municipalities
Data Privacy Issues of Sick People and People in Quarantine and Data Requests from Municipalities – Slovakia
Coronavirus and processing of personal data
Coronavirus and processing of personal data – Slovakia
Public announcement on COVID-19 emergency
Public announcement on COVID-19 emergency – San Marino
Security of personal data during remote learning – UODO’s guide for schools
Security of personal data during remote learning – UODO’s guide for schools – Poland
Statement by the President of the Personal Data Protection Office on coronavirus
Statement by the President of the Personal Data Protection Office on coronavirus– Poland
Protecting Personal Data in a Work From Home Arrangement
Protecting Personal Data in a Work From Home Arrangement – Philippines
Protecting Patient Data from Unauthorized Disclosure
Protecting Patient Data from Unauthorized Disclosure – Philippines
Joint Statement of the Department of Health (DOH) and National Privacy Commission (NPC) on Processing and Disclosure of COVID-19 Related Data
Joint Statement of the Department of Health (DOH) and National Privacy Commission (NPC) on Processing and Disclosure of COVID-19 Related Data – Philippines
NPC Supports DILG’s bid vs discrimination of COVID-19 frontliners
NPC Supports DILG’s bid vs discrimination of COVID-19 frontliners – Philippines
On COVID-19 -related apps, digital tools and solutions in this time of pandemic
On COVID-19 -related apps, digital tools and solutions in this time of pandemic – Philippines
Calls for Patients to Waive Privacy Rights, Publicly Disclose Health Status
Calls for Patients to Waive Privacy Rights, Publicly Disclose Health Status – Philippines
“Social Vigilantism” in the time of COVID-19
“Social Vigilantism” in the time of COVID-19 – Philippines
Declaration of Public Health Emergency in Relation to COVID-19
Declaration of Public Health Emergency in Relation to COVID-19 – Philippines
The release of passenger manifest of airlines to government agencies particularly the DOH, in relation to the 2019 nCov response
The release of passenger manifest of airlines to government agencies particularly the DOH, in relation to the 2019 nCov response – Philippines
Collect the minimum necessary information in providing financial aid and other relief packages to those affected by the enhanced community quarantine
Collect the minimum necessary information in providing financial aid and other relief packages to those affected by the enhanced community quarantine – Philippines
Protecting personal data in the time of COVID-19
Protecting personal data in the time of COVID-19 – Philippines
Collect what is necessary. Disclose only to the proper authority
Collect what is necessary. Disclose only to the proper authority – Philippines
Divulgar datos personales de pacientes con coronavirus puede ser multado hasta con 215 mil soles
Divulgar datos personales de pacientes con coronavirus puede ser multado hasta con 215 mil soles – Perù
Medidas para garantizar la confidencialidad de los datos de salud de los pacientes con COVID-19
Medidas para garantizar la confidencialidad de los datos de salud de los pacientes con COVID-19 – Perù
Autoridad Nacional de Protección de Datos Personales supervisará la utilización de los datos de geolocalización en casos de infectados y sospechosos de contagio de coronavirus (COVID-19)
Autoridad Nacional de Protección de Datos Personales supervisará la utilización de los datos de geolocalización en casos de infectados y sospechosos de contagio de coronavirus (COVID-19) – Perù
Dealing with digital security risk during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis
Dealing with digital security risk during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis – OECD
OECD policy brief: Ensuring data privacy as we battle COVID-19
OECD policy brief: Ensuring data privacy as we battle COVID-19
OECD policy brief: Tracking and tracing COVID: Protecting privacy and data while using apps and biometrics
OECD policy brief: Tracking and tracing COVID: Protecting privacy and data while using apps and biometrics
OECD Covid-19 Hub
OECD Covid-19 Hub
Overview of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps
Overview of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps – New Zeland
Privacy and Covid-19
Privacy and Covid-19 – New Zeland
Onderzoeksrapportage bron-en contactopsporingsapps
Onderzoeksrapportage bron-en contactopsporingsapps – Netherland
Tips voor het onderwijs
Tips voor het onderwijs – Netherland
Onderwijs tijdens corona
Onderwijs tijdens corona – Netherland
Temperaturen en gezondheidscheck
Temperaturen en gezondheidscheck – Netherland
Privacy & corona
Privacy & corona – Netherland
La CNDP à la disposition du gouvernement pour renforcer, en termes de respect de la vie privée, ses politiques proactives
La CNDP à la disposition du gouvernement pour renforcer, en termes de respect de la vie privée, ses politiques proactives – Morocco
Recomendaciones respecto a la garantía de los derechos de protección de datos personales y acceso a la información pública, ante brote de COVID-19
Recomendaciones respecto a la garantía de los derechos de protección de datos personales y acceso a la información pública, ante brote de COVID-19 – Infoem
Adoptará INAI como medida de prevención el trabajo a distancia ante COVID-19
Adoptará INAI como medida de prevención el trabajo a distancia ante COVID-19
Suspende INAI eventos públicos, por recomendación de la SSA para evitar contagio de COVID-19
Suspende INAI eventos públicos, por recomendación de la SSA para evitar contagio de COVID-19
Ante casos de COVID-19, INAI emite recomendaciones para tratamiento de datos personales
Ante casos de COVID-19, INAI emite recomendaciones para tratamiento de datos personales – INAI
Datos Personales Seguros COVID-19 (Information Hub)
Datos Personales Seguros COVID-19 (Information Hub) – INAI
Data Protection for Health Data and Artificial Intelligence Solutions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Data Protection for Health Data and Artificial Intelligence Solutions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic – Mauritius
Covid-19 : les mises en garde de l’APDP sur la collecte de données personnelles et la protection de la vie privée des personnes
Covid-19 : les mises en garde de l’APDP sur la collecte de données personnelles et la protection de la vie privée des personnes – Mali
Exemption of Notification and Simplified Notification for the Collection and Processing of the Data of Individuals Entering and Exiting Venues for the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases
Exemption of Notification and Simplified Notification for the Collection and Processing of the Data of Individuals Entering and Exiting Venues for the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases – Macao
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Recommandations de la CNPD relatives à la collecte de données personnelles dans un contexte de crise sanitaire
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Recommandations de la CNPD relatives à la collecte de données personnelles dans un contexte de crise sanitaire – Luxembourg
Coronavirus (COVID-19): recommendations by the CNPD on the processing of personal data in the context of a health crisis
Coronavirus (COVID-19): recommendations by the CNPD on the processing of personal data in the context of a health crisis – Luxembourg
Personal Data Protection and Coronavirus COVID-19
Personal Data Protection and Coronavirus COVID-19 – Lithuania
Datenschutz während der Corona-Krise
Datenschutz während der Corona-Krise – Liechtenstein
Personal Information Protection Commission’s view on effective use of contact tracing App to help deal with Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Personal Information Protection Commission’s view on effective use of contact tracing App to help deal with Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) – Japan
Handling of personal data for preventing the spread of Novel-Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease
Handling of personal data for preventing the spread of Novel-Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease – Japan
Guidelines on Privacy Aspects of the Coronavirus Epidemic (COVID-19)
Guidelines on Privacy Aspects of the Coronavirus Epidemic (COVID-19) – Israeli Privacy Protection Authority
Excerpts from an interview of the President of the Italian SA, Antonello Soro, with the Italian daily “Corriere della Sera”, on data protection issues and COVID-19 measures
Excerpts from an interview of the President of the Italian SA, Antonello Soro, with the Italian daily “Corriere della Sera”, on data protection issues and COVID-19 measures
Coronavirus and data protection
Coronavirus and data protection – Garante per la protezione dei dati personali
Data Protection Tips for Video-conferencing
Data Protection Tips for Video-conferencing – Ireland
Staying safe online during a pandemic
Staying safe online during a pandemic – Ireland
COVID-19 and Subject Access Requests
COVID-19 and Subject Access Requests – Ireland
Protecting Personal Data When Working Remotely
Protecting Personal Data When Working Remotely – Ireland
Data Protection and COVID-19
Data Protection and COVID-19 – Ireland
Information on processing data related to the Coronavirus epidemic
Information on processing data related to the Coronavirus epidemic – Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
Response to media enquiry on the security issues in Zoom
Response to media enquiry on the security issues in Zoom – Hong Kong – Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
Response to media enquiry on privacy issues arising from COVID-19
Response to media enquiry on privacy issues arising from COVID-19 – Hong Kong – Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
PCPD Provides Guidelines on Children’s Privacy during the Pandemic
PCPD Provides Guidelines on Children’s Privacy during the Pandemic – Hong Kong – Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
Zoom Data Security Incident
Zoom Data Security Incident – Hong Kong – Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
Fight COVID-19 Pandemic Guidelines for Employers and Employees
Fight COVID-19 Pandemic Guidelines for Employers and Employees – Hong Kong – Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
Privacy Commissioner Responds to Privacy Issues Arising from Mandatory Quarantine Measures and Provides Updates on Doxxing
Privacy Commissioner Responds to Privacy Issues Arising from Mandatory Quarantine Measures and Provides Updates on Doxxing – Hong Kong – Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
Response to media enquiry on privacy issues arising from COVID-19
Response to media enquiry on privacy issues arising from COVID-19 – Hong Kong – Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
The Use of Information on Social Media for Tracking Potential Carriers of COVID-19
The Use of Information on Social Media for Tracking Potential Carriers of COVID-19 – Hong Kong – Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
Guidelines on Processing of Personal Data in the Context of the Management of COVID-19
Guidelines on Processing of Personal Data in the Context of the Management of COVID-19 – Hellenic Data Protection Authority
Statement on Privacy and Coronavirus
Statement on Privacy and Coronavirus – Mecklenburg–West Pomerania: Data Protection Commissioner
German Data Protection Supervisory Authorities joint information paper on data protection and the Coronavirus pandemic
German Data Protection Supervisory Authorities joint information paper on data protection and the Coronavirus pandemic
DSK provides information on data protection and Coronavirus
DSK provides information on data protection and Coronavirus – Germany – Office of the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
COVID-19: Contact tracing and location data
COVID-19: Contact tracing and location data – Gibraltar Regulatory Authority
COVID-19: Temperature checks
COVID-19: Temperature checks – Gibraltar Regulatory Authority
Data protection and Coronavirus: What you need to know
Data protection and Coronavirus: What you need to know – Gibraltar Regulatory Authority
Statement of the State Inspector’s Service
Statement of the State Inspector’s Service – Georgia
Coronavirus (Covid-19) : les rappels de la CNIL sur la collecte de données personnelles
Coronavirus (Covid-19) : les rappels de la CNIL sur la collecte de données personnelles – Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés
Data protection and limiting the spread of coronavirus
Data protection and limiting the spread of coronavirus – Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman
EU Digital Solidarity: a call for a pan-European approach against the pandemic by Wojciech Wiewiórowski
EU Digital Solidarity: a call for a pan-European approach against the pandemic by Wojciech Wiewiórowski
Guidelines 04/2020 on the use of location data and contact tracing tools in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak
Guidelines 04/2020 on the use of location data and contact tracing tools in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak – EDPB
Twenty-third Plenary session: EDPB adopts further COVID-19 guidance
Twenty-third Plenary session: EDPB adopts further COVID-19 guidance
Guidelines 03/2020 on the processing of data concerning health for the purpose of scientific research in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak
Guidelines 03/2020 on the processing of data concerning health for the purpose of scientific research in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak – EDPB
Statement of the EDPB Chair on the processing of personal data in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak
Statement of the EDPB Chair on the processing of personal data in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak
Joint Statement on Digital Contact Tracing
Joint Statement on Digital Contact Tracing – Council of Europe
Joint Statement on the right to data protection in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Joint Statement on the right to data protection in the context of the COVID-19 pandemicDéclaration conjointe sur le droit à la protection de données dans le contexte de la pandémie à COVID-19 – Council of Europe
¿Se puede revelar el nombre de una persona contagiada o de un eventual contagio?
¿Se puede revelar el nombre de una persona contagiada o de un eventual contagio? – Consejo para la Transparencia
CPLT remite recomendaciones a autoridades para asegurar adecuado resguardo de datos personales que recoge su aplicación “CoronApp”
CPLT remite recomendaciones a autoridades para asegurar adecuado resguardo de datos personales que recoge su aplicación “CoronApp” – Consejo para la Transparencia
Privacy in a Pandemic
Privacy in a Pandemic – Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta
Supporting public health, building public trust: Privacy principles for contact tracing and similar apps
Supporting public health, building public trust: Privacy principles for contact tracing and similar appsAppuyer la santé publique et bâtir la confiance des Canadiens : principes de protection de la vie privée et des renseignements personnels pour les applications de traçage des contacts et autres applications similaires – Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
A Framework for the Government of Canada to Assess Privacy-Impactful Initiatives in Response to COVID-19
A Framework for the Government of Canada to Assess Privacy-Impactful Initiatives in Response to COVID-19Cadre pour l’évaluation par le gouvernement du Canada des initiatives en réponse à la COVID-19 ayant une incidence importante sur la vie privée – Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Privacy and the COVID-19 outbreak
Privacy and the COVID-19 outbreakLa protection de la vie privée et l’éclosion de la COVID-19 – Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Commissioner issues guidance on privacy and the COVID-19 outbreak
Commissioner issues guidance on privacy and the COVID-19 outbreakLe commissaire publie un document d’orientation sur la protection de la vie privée et l’éclosion de la COVID-19 – Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Message de la CIL sur la pandémie de coronavirus (COVID-19)
Message de la CIL sur la pandémie de coronavirus (COVID-19) – Burkina Faso Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés
Information der Datenschutzbehörde zum Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Information der Datenschutzbehörde zum Coronavirus (Covid-19) – Austrian Data Protection Autority
How to respect privacy and protect public sector information when working remotely
How to respect privacy and protect public sector information when working remotely – OVIC
Privacy and COVID-19
Privacy and COVID-19 – OVIC
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Understanding your privacy obligations to your staff
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Understanding your privacy obligations to your staff – OAIC
Déclaration de l’AFAPDP à propos de la protection des données à caractère personnel dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19
Déclaration de l’AFAPDP à propos de la protection des données à caractère personnel dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19 – AFAPDP
Tratamiento de datos personales ante el Coronavirus
Tratamiento de datos personales ante el Coronavirus – Argentina – Agencia de Acceso a la Información Pública
Crisis sanitaria y protección de la privacidad
Crisis sanitaria y protección de la privacidad – Argentina – Agencia de Acceso a la Información Pública
Protección de datos personales y geolocalización
Protección de datos personales y geolocalización – Argentina – Agencia de Acceso a la Información Pública
Information on data protection and COVID-19
Information on data protection and COVID-19 – Andorra – Agència Andorrana de Protecció de Dades
Guidelines on the processing of personal data in specific sectors in the context of measures against COVID-19
Guidelines on the processing of personal data in specific sectors in the context of measures against COVID-19 – Albania – Information and Data Protection Commissioner
Corona & Insolvenz: Die wichtigsten Fragen zum COVInsAG
Corona & Insolvenz: Die wichtigsten Fragen zum COVInsAG – Christoph Thole
Pflege in der Corona-Krise: Schutz der Pflegebedürftigen, finanzielle Folgen
Pflege in der Corona-Krise: Schutz der Pflegebedürftigen, finanzielle Folgen – Andreas Pitz
Sozialschutz-Paket II ändert SGB III, ArbGG und SGG: Mündliche Gerichtsverhandlung bleibt, aber Videoschaltung zugelassen!
Sozialschutz-Paket II ändert SGB III, ArbGG und SGG: Mündliche Gerichtsverhandlung bleibt, aber Videoschaltung zugelassen! – Franz Josef Düwell
Kurzarbeit in Zeiten von Corona – zu den temporären Änderungen im SGB III
Kurzarbeit in Zeiten von Corona – zu den temporären Änderungen im SGB III – Hans Arno Petzold
Corona & Familienrecht: Was gilt bei Unterhalt, Umgang & Co?
Corona & Familienrecht: Was gilt bei Unterhalt, Umgang & Co? – Wolfram Viefhues
Vergaberecht: Was ist bei „Corona-Beschaffungen“ zu beachten?
Vergaberecht: Was ist bei „Corona-Beschaffungen“ zu beachten? – Hermann Summa
I vantaggi del finanziamento diretto del debito da parte della BCE. Risposta all’Osservatorio dei Conti Pubblici Italiano
I vantaggi del finanziamento diretto del debito da parte della BCE. Risposta all’Osservatorio dei Conti Pubblici Italiano by Amedeo Argentiero, Paolo Polinori
Albania – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Entela Cukani
Il capitalismo dopo il coronavirus: beni pubblici, sostenibilità e ruolo dello Stato
Il capitalismo dopo il coronavirus: beni pubblici, sostenibilità e ruolo dello Stato by Maria Rita Pierleoni
Giappone – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Elisa Bertolini
Paesi Bassi – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Maria Francesca Cavalcanti
Portogallo – Comparative Covid Law – scheda di Emma Imparato
Come preservare la continuità dell’attività parlamentare ai tempi del COVID-19? Alcune riflessioni sul lavoro “a distanza” e le vie percorribili a normativa vigente
Come preservare la continuità dell’attività parlamentare ai tempi del COVID-19? Alcune riflessioni sul lavoro “a distanza” e le vie percorribili a normativa vigente by MICOL PIGNATARO
Emergency Measures to Protect Energy Consumers During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Global Review and Critical Analysis
Emergency Measures to Protect Energy Consumers During the Covid-19 Pandemic:Global Review and Critical Analysis by Paolo Mastropietro, Pablo Rodilla, Carlos Batlle
Messico – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Irene Spigno
Il BVerG e la sentenza sul programma PSPP: “c’è della logica in questa follia”? Il prevedibile “rientro” della “crisi istituzionale” annunciata nella sentenza (provvisoria) del 5 maggio 2020
Il BVerG e la sentenza sul programma PSPP: “c’è della logica in questa follia”? Il prevedibile “rientro” della “crisi istituzionale” annunciata nella sentenza (provvisoria) del 5 maggio 2020 by Lorenzo F. Pace
The 5 May 2020 Bundesverfassungsgericht’s Decision on the ECB’s public sector purchase program: an attempt to “break the toy” or a new starting point for the Eurozone?
The 5 May 2020 Bundesverfassungsgericht’s Decision on the ECB’s public sector purchase program: an attempt to “break the toy” or a new starting point for the Eurozone? by Adriana Ciancio
Legalità ed effettività negli spazi e nei tempi del diritto costituzionale dell’emergenza. È proprio vero che “nulla potrà più essere come prima”?
Legalità ed effettività negli spazi e nei tempi del diritto costituzionale dell’emergenza. È proprio vero che “nulla potrà più essere come prima”? by Enrico Grosso
Why the WHO is failing and how to fix
Why the WHO is failing and how to fix it by Tsung-Ling Lee
Cyber Attacks and Cyber (Mis)information Operations during a Pandemic
Cyber Attacks and Cyber (Mis)information Operations during a Pandemic by Marko Milanovic
Oxford Statement on the International Law Protections Against Cyber Operations Targeting the Health Care Sector
Oxford Statement on the International Law Protections Against Cyber Operations Targeting the Health Care Sector by Dapo Akande, Duncan Hollis, Harold Hongju Koh and James O’Brien
Are You Ready for a Pandemic? The International Health Regulations Put to the Test of Their ‘Core Capacity Requirements’
Are You Ready for a Pandemic? The International Health Regulations Put to the Test of Their ‘Core Capacity Requirements’ by Giulio Bartolini
Covid19 et Constitution : la loi prorogeant l’état d’urgence sanitaire devant le Conseil constitutionnel
Covid19 et Constitution : la loi prorogeant l’état d’urgence sanitaire devant le Conseil constitutionnel by Olivier Dord
Covid19 et Constitution : les apports complémentaires de la décision du 11 mai
Covid19 et Constitution : les apports complémentaires de la décision du 11 mai by Olivier Dord
Compétitions sportives et centres équestres après le 2 juin 2020
Compétitions sportives et centres équestres après le 2 juin 2020 by Sophie Nicinski
Urgence sanitaire, urgence écologique : les temps du droit, le droit du temps à venir
Urgence sanitaire, urgence écologique : les temps du droit, le droit du temps à venir by Marta Torre-Schaub
Le confinement des garanties des demandeurs d’asile; À propos de l’ordonnance n° 2020-558 du 13 mai 2020
Le confinement des garanties des demandeurs d’asile; À propos de l’ordonnance n° 2020-558 du 13 mai 2020 by Julian Fernandez, Thibaut Fleury Graff, Alexis Marie
Le Conseil d’État et le covid-19; Quand le Conseil d’État porte l’État de droit sur ses épaules
Le Conseil d’État et le covid-19; Quand le Conseil d’État porte l’État de droit sur ses épaules by Baptiste Bonnet
Model Timing Agreement for Merger Reviews involving Efficiencies
Model Timing Agreement for Merger Reviews involving Efficiencies by COMPETITION BUREAU CANADA
A Dwarf in Size, but a Giant in Shifting a paradigm – The European Instrument for temporary support for mitigate unemployment risks (SURE)
A Dwarf in Size, but a Giant in Shifting a paradigm – The European Instrument for temporary support for mitigate unemployment risks (SURE) by René Repasi
The European instrument for temporary support to mitigate unemployment risks in an emergency SURE – an innovative (social) approach to EU financial assistance
The European instrument for temporary support to mitigate unemployment risks in an emergency SURE – an innovative (social) approach to EU financial assistance by Karl Croonenborghs
Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities Statement on the COVID-19 pandemic and national minorities, adopted on 28 May 2020
Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities Statement on the COVID-19 pandemic and national minorities, adopted on 28 May 2020
Coronavirus and unemployment The importance of government policy: a five nation comparison
Coronavirus and unemployment The importance of government policy: a five nation comparison by Gemma Tetlow, Thomas Pope and Grant Dalton
From Emergency to Disaster
From Emergency to Disaster. How Hungary’s Second Pandemic Emergency will Further Destroy the Rule of Law by Gábor Halmai, Gábor Mészáros, Kim Lane Scheppele
L’emergenza Covid-19: quale ruolo per il civilista?
L’emergenza Covid-19: quale ruolo per il civilista? by Claudio Scognamiglio .
Emergenza Covid e benefici dedicati al “settore privato”: chi ne resta escluso?
Emergenza Covid e benefici dedicati al “settore privato”: chi ne resta escluso? by Maurizio Falsone.
Europa: solida casa comune o fragile capanna dell’economia?
Europa: solida casa comune o fragile capanna dell’economia? by Marcello Fracanzani
Per una Giustizia Civile. Ovvero, Aristotele oltre Hobbes e Rousseau
Per una Giustizia Civile. Ovvero, Aristotele oltre Hobbes e Rousseau by Marcello Fracanzani.
Discrezionalità, norme “imprecise” e fine dell’epidemia (perché è difficile decidere come e quando riaprire l’Italia)
Discrezionalità, norme “imprecise” e fine dell’epidemia (perché è difficile decidere come e quando riaprire l’Italia) by Alfonso Celotto.
La lotta al Covid-19: la requisizione nel Decreto “Cura Italia”
La lotta al Covid-19: la requisizione nel Decreto “Cura Italia” by Maria Luisa Chiarella
Quantitative easing e finanziamento dei disavanzi pubblici tra narrazione e realtà
Quantitative easing e finanziamento dei disavanzi pubblici tra narrazione e realtà by Salvatore D’Acunto
Ex facto oritur ius. A proposito delle nuove disposizioni in tema di svolgimento delle assemblee di società
Ex facto oritur ius. A proposito delle nuove disposizioni in tema di svolgimentodelle assemblee di società by Massimo Palazzo
Brevi riflessioni sulle sopravvenienze contrattuali alla luce della normativa sull’emergenza epidemiologica da Covid-19
Brevi riflessioni sulle sopravvenienze contrattuali alla luce della normativa sull’emergenza epidemiologica da Covid-19 by Massimo Zaccheo
La gestione del rischio nella locazione commerciale al tempo del coronavirus
La gestione del rischio nella locazione commerciale al tempo del coronavirus by Ugo Salanitro
Gli effetti del Coronavirus sui contratti turistici. Primi appunti
Gli effetti del Coronavirus sui contratti turistici. Primi appunti by Renato Santagata
Incidenza del coronavirus su alcune tipologie contrattuali
Incidenza del coronavirus su alcune tipologie contrattuali a cura di Studio Bonelli Erede
Le discontinuità che seguono i grandi traumi: pensando al credito (e al debito), mentre la notte è ancora fonda
Le discontinuità che seguono i grandi traumi: pensando al credito (e al debito), mentre la notte è ancora fonda by Raffaele Di Raimo
Il «rapporto» obbligatorio al tempo dell’isolamento: una causa (transitoria) di giustificazione?
Il «rapporto» obbligatorio al tempo dell’isolamento: una causa (transitoria) digiustificazione? by Alberto Maria Benedetti
Sospensione (rectius nullità) dei licenziamenti economici per il Covid-19 e dubbi di legittimità costituzionale
Sospensione (rectius nullità) dei licenziamenti economici per il Covid-19 e dubbi di legittimità costituzionale by Paolo Iervolino
Covid-19 e relazioni industriali: il Protocollo del 14 marzo 2020 e oltre
Covid-19 e relazioni industriali: il Protocollo del 14 marzo 2020 e oltre by Francesco Di Noia
La sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro tra disciplina dell’emergenza da Covid 19 e disciplina ordinaria
La sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro tra disciplina dell’emergenza da Covid 19 e disciplina ordinaria by Daniela Calafiore
Il lavoro agile ai tempi del Coronavirus
Il lavoro agile ai tempi del Coronavirus by Carole Macchione
È configurabile un diritto del lavoratore al lavoro agile nell’emergenza Covid-19?
È configurabile un diritto del lavoratore al lavoro agile nell’emergenza Covid-19? by Ilario Alvino
Chiaroscuri della frequentazione genitori-figli nell’emergenza coronavirus
Chiaroscuri della frequentazione genitori-figli nell’emergenza coronavirus by Caterina Silvestri
Pandemic and Insolvency Law: the Italian Answer
Pandemic and Insolvency Law: the Italian Answer by Daniele Vattermoli
Strumenti di allerta e di composizione assistita della crisi di impresa (anche al tempo del Covid-19)
Strumenti di allerta e di composizione assistita della crisi di impresa (anche al tempo del Covid-19) by Luigi Salvato
L’emergenza Covid-19 e la sospensione dei mutui per l’acquisto della prima casa
L’emergenza Covid-19 e la sospensione dei mutui per l’acquisto della prima casa by Maria Rosaria Maugeri
Problemi dei contratti nell’emergenza epidemiologica da Covid-19
Problemi dei contratti nell’emergenza epidemiologica da Covid-19 by Daniele Maffeis
L’enseignement supérieur face au covid-19
L’enseignement supérieur face au covid-19 by ARNAUD SÉE & JEAN-MARC FÉVRIER
L’état d’urgence sanitaire
L’état d’urgence sanitaire by JACQUES PETIT
Droit électoral et circonstances exceptionnelles.
Droit électoral et circonstances exceptionnelles. Les lacunes révélées par la crise du coronavirus by ROMAIN RAMBAUD
Les collectivités aux temps du covid-19
Les collectivités aux temps du covid-19
Giustizia sportiva d’emergenza
Giustizia sportiva d’emergenza by Alberto M. Gambino, Piero Sandulli, Michela Morgese
La responsabilità sanitaria e i possibili contenziosi da COVID-19
La responsabilità sanitaria e i possibili contenziosi da COVID-19 by Giulio Ponzanelli
Court Adaptations during COVID-19 in the World’s Two Largest Democracies
Court Adaptations during COVID-19 in the World’s Two Largest Democracies by Blake Candler
Privacy Versus Health is a False Trade-off
Privacy Versus Health is a False Trade-off by Jake Goldenfein, Ben Green, Salome Viljoen
Pandemics, Risks and Remedies
Pandemics, Risks and Remedies by Lee Kovarsky
The Impact of the Coronavirus Lockdown on Domestic Violence
The Impact of the Coronavirus Lockdown on Domestic Violence by Sarath Sanga, Justin McCrary
Law, Structural Racism, and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Law, Structural Racism, and the COVID-19 Pandemic by Ruqaiijah Yearby, Seema Mohapatra
COVID-19 / Coronavirus and European Union Shipping Law: An Interim Analysis
COVID-19 / Coronavirus and European Union Shipping Law: An Interim Analysis by Vincent Power
Mitigating Housing Instability During a Pandemic
Mitigating Housing Instability During a Pandemic by Michelle D. Layser, Edward W. De Barbieri, Andrew Greenlee, Tracy Kaye & Blaine G. Saito
Finlandia e Norvegia – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Francesco Duranti
Francia – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Caterina Severino
Cina – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Mauro Mazza
Ma lo Stato quando riapre?
Ma lo Stato quando riapre? by Luisa Torchia
El Estado de Alarma y el uso del Real Decreto Ley para modificar normas tributarias
El Estado de Alarma y el uso del Real Decreto Ley para modificar normas tributarias by Fernando Hernández Guijarro
Presentación e ingreso de determinadas declaraciones y autoliquidaciones tributarias durante el Estado de Alarma
Presentación e ingreso de determinadas declaraciones y autoliquidaciones tributarias durante el Estado de Alarma by Vicente Gomar Giner y Fernando Hernández Guijarro
Los plazos para interponer recursos y de determinados procedimientos y actos tributarios durante el Estado de Alarma
Los plazos para interponer recursos y de determinados procedimientos y actos tributarios durante el Estado de Alarma by Fernando Hernández Guijarro y Vicente Gomar Gine
Contratación administrativa en tiempos de Coronavirus
Contratación administrativa en tiempos de Coronavirus by Carla Esplugues Barona
El Notariado ante la pandemia del COVID-19
El Notariado ante la pandemia del COVID-19 by José María Carrau Carbonell
Tecnologie “in soccorso” dei beni culturali
Tecnologie “in soccorso” dei beni culturali by Maria Rita Nuccio
El servicio universal de telecomunicaciones ante el COVID-19
El servicio universal de telecomunicaciones ante el COVID-19 by Belén Andrés Segovia
Tracciamento tecnologico del contagio
Tracciamento tecnologico del contagio by Marcello D’Ambrosio
COVID-19: un desafío para la Protección de datos de carácter personal
COVID-19: un desafío para la Protección de datos de carácter personal by Alfonso Ortega Giméne
Privacidad, geolocalización y aplicaciones de rastreo de contactos en la estrategia de salud pública generada por la COVID-19
Privacidad, geolocalización y aplicaciones de rastreo de contactos en la estrategia de salud pública generada por la COVID-19 by Belén Andreu Martínez
Coronavirus e tracciamento tecnologico: alcune riflessioni sull’applicazione e sui relativi sistemi di interoperabilità dei dispositivi
Coronavirus e tracciamento tecnologico: alcune riflessioni sull’applicazione e sui relativi sistemi di interoperabilità dei dispositivi by Carolina Perlingieri
COVID-19 y la ejecución civil en Bolivia
COVID-19 y la ejecución civil en Bolivia by Alex Parada
COVID-19 e limitazioni temporali in Italia
COVID-19 e limitazioni temporali in Italia by Pietro Virgadamo
Comentarios al “Bloque de medidas para el orden penal contenidasen el primer documento de trabajo sobre medidas organizativas yprocesales para el plan de choque en la administración de justicia tras el estado de alarma” elaborado por el CGPJ
Comentarios al “Bloque de medidas para el orden penal contenidasen el primer documento de trabajo sobre medidas organizativas yprocesales para el plan de choque en la administración de justicia tras el estado de alarma” elaborado por el CGPJ by Luis de las Heras Vives y Víctor Muñoz Casalta
Justicia post-coronavirus, de la crisis a las reformas que se avizoran
Justicia post-coronavirus, de la crisis a las reformas que se avizoran by Silvia Barona Vilar
Medidas procesales frente al COVID-19 en la jurisdicción social
Medidas procesales frente al COVID-19 en la jurisdicción social by Manuel Alegre Nueno
Breves apuntes en materia de desempleo y cese de actividad ante crisis del coronavirus
Breves apuntes en materia de desempleo y cese de actividad ante crisis del coronavirus by Daniel Pérez del Prad
Incapacidad temporal y COVID-19
Incapacidad temporal y COVID-19 by Celia Fernández Prats
Prohibición de despidos por COVID-19
Prohibición de despidos por COVID-19 by Emma Rodríguez Rodríguez
Los expedientes de regulación temporal de empleo por fuerza mayor derivados del COVID-19
Los expedientes de regulación temporal de empleo por fuerza mayor derivados del COVID-19 by Karen Santarufina Nativida
Trabajo doméstico y COVID-19
Trabajo doméstico y COVID-19 by Elena García Testa
Claves prácticas de la recuperación del permiso retribuido regulado en el Real Decreto Ley 10/2020
Claves prácticas de la recuperación del permiso retribuido regulado en el Real Decreto Ley 10/2020 by Cristina Aragón Gómez
Necesidades de cuidado derivadas del COVID-19. Programa “MECUIDA”
Necesidades de cuidado derivadas del COVID-19. Programa “MECUIDA” by Patricia Nieto Rojas
Medidas extraordinarias derivadas del COVID-19 en materia de duración de los contratos temporales
Medidas extraordinarias derivadas del COVID-19 en materia de duración de los contratos temporales by Francisco Ramos Moragues
El trabajo a distancia como medida preferente a aplicar en las empresas frente a la crisis del COVID-19
El trabajo a distancia como medida preferente a aplicar en las empresas frente a la crisis del COVID-19 by Mercedes López Balaguer
La prevención de riesgos laborales ante la crisis sanitaria del COVID-19: principales medidas y responsabilidades
La prevención de riesgos laborales ante la crisis sanitaria del COVID-19: principales medidas y responsabilidades by Eduardo Taléns Visconti
La sustracción internacional de menores en tiempos de Coronavirus: ¿una oportunidad para el progenitor sustractor?
La sustracción internacional de menores en tiempos de Coronavirus: ¿una oportunidad para el progenitor sustractor? by María González Marimón
El Consejo de Europa y el COVID-19
El Consejo de Europa y el COVID-19 (coronavirus) by Jorge Antonio Climent Gallart
Protección del consumidor internacional en tiempos de COVID-19
Protección del consumidor internacional en tiempos de COVID-19 by Guillermo Palao Moreno
Adiós a la libre circulación de inversiones… ¿sólo en tiempos de coronavirus?
Adiós a la libre circulación de inversiones… ¿sólo en tiempos de coronavirus? by Carlos Esplugues Mota
Salute della persona e organizzazione dell’attività alberghiera ai tempi del COVID-19
Salute della persona e organizzazione dell’attività alberghiera ai tempi del COVID-19 by Roberto Garetto y Federico Pascucci
Pacchetti turistici e diritti dei viaggiatori ai tempi del coronavirus
Pacchetti turistici e diritti dei viaggiatori ai tempi del coronavirus by Monica Pucci
Pandemia ed adeguatezza dei poteri regolatori delle Autorità di supervisione europee
Pandemia ed adeguatezza dei poteri regolatori delle Autorità di supervisione europee by Giovanni Berti De Marinis
Las pretendidas medidas de protección a los consumidores con motivo del COVID-19
Las pretendidas medidas de protección a los consumidores con motivo del COVID-19 by María José Reyes López
Contrato de seguro e pandemia
Contrato de seguro e pandemia by Maria Inês de Oliveira Martins
Medidas durante el COVID-19 y Derecho mercantil (Parte II: Derecho concursal)
Medidas durante el COVID-19 y Derecho mercantil (Parte II: Derecho concursal) by Felipe Palau Ramírez
Medidas durante el COVID-19 y Derecho Mercantil (Parte I: aspectos societarios y del mercado de valores)
Medidas durante el COVID-19 y Derecho Mercantil (Parte I: aspectos societarios y del mercado de valores) by José Miguel Corberá Martínez
Responsabilità medica e COVID-19: prime impressioni
Responsabilità medica e COVID-19: prime impressioni by Luca Oliveri
Responsabilidad civil por daños derivados del contagio del COVID-19 en establecimiento comercial abierto al público
Responsabilidad civil por daños derivados del contagio del COVID-19 en establecimiento comercial abierto al público by Fernando Peña López
Infezione da COVID-19 e responsabilità della struttura sanitaria
Infezione da COVID-19 e responsabilità della struttura sanitaria by Stefania Giova
Moratoria en el pago de las hipotecas durante el estado de alarma por el COVID-19
Moratoria en el pago de las hipotecas durante el estado de alarma por el COVID-19 by Isabel Rabanete Martínez
Emergenza epidemiologica e obblighi di rinegoziare nei contratti del calcio professionistico
Emergenza epidemiologica e obblighi di rinegoziare nei contratti del calcio professionistico by Stefano Polidori
“Contratti di soggiorno” e COVID-19. Nel periodo post-emergenziale
“Contratti di soggiorno” e COVID-19. Nel periodo post-emergenziale by Roberto Senigaglia
“Contratti di soggiorno” e COVID-19. Parte prima. Nel periodo emergenziale
“Contratti di soggiorno” e COVID-19. Nel periodo emergenziale by Claudia Irti
Medidas para paliar los efectos adversos del COVID-19 en los arrendamientos de vivienda habitual
Medidas para paliar los efectos adversos del COVID-19 en los arrendamientos de vivienda habitual by Pedro Chaparro Matamoros
Habitação e “mora debitoris” em Portugal
Habitação e “mora debitoris” em Portugal by Sandra Passinhas
Coronavirus e locazioni commerciali. Un diritto eccezionale per lo stato di emergenza?
Coronavirus e locazioni commerciali. Un diritto eccezionale per lo stato di emergenza? by Gabriele Carapezza Figlia
Contractual business network e pandemia: a forward-looking agenda?
Contractual business network e pandemia: a forward-looking agenda? by Camilla Crea
Il diritto a rifiutare la prestazione parziale: una lettura solidaristica
Il diritto a rifiutare la prestazione parziale: una lettura solidaristica by Letizia Coppo
A crise do COVID-19 entre boa-fé, abuso do direito e comportamentos oportunistas
A crise do COVID-19 entre boa-fé, abuso do direito e comportamentos oportunistas by Carlos Pianovski
Pandemia: al rescate de la buena fe en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones
Pandemia: al rescate de la buena fe en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones by María Candelaria Domínguez Guillén
Gli oneri del debitore fra norme emergenziali e principi generali (a proposito dell’art. 91 del d.l. n. 18/2020, “Cura Italia”)
Gli oneri del debitore fra norme emergenziali e principi generali (a proposito dell’art. 91 del d.l. n. 18/2020, “Cura Italia”) by Giovanni Iorio
Coronavirus ed esonero da responsabilità per inadempimento di obbligazione ex art. 1218 c.c.: impossibilità sopravvenuta oppure inesigibilità della prestazione?
Coronavirus ed esonero da responsabilità per inadempimento di obbligazione ex art. 1218 c.c.: impossibilità sopravvenuta oppure inesigibilità della prestazione? by Oriana Clarizia
Vulnerabilità economica tra diritto emergenziale e contrattuale
Vulnerabilità economica tra diritto emergenziale e contrattuale by Lucia Ruggeri-Manuela Giobbi
La ruptura de la economía negocial tras el COVID-19 (Un análisis desde el moderno Derecho europeo de contratos)
La ruptura de la economía negocial tras el COVID-19 (Un análisis desde el moderno Derecho europeo de contratos) by Luz Martínez Velencoso
Dall’emergenza sanitaria all’emergenza economica: l’eccessiva onerosità sopravvenuta tra buona fede e obbligo di rinegoziazione
Dall’emergenza sanitaria all’emergenza economica: l’eccessiva onerosità sopravvenuta tra buona fede e obbligo di rinegoziazione by Mauro Grondona
Contratos em tempos de pandemia: descumprimento e força maior
Contratos em tempos de pandemia: descumprimento e força maior by Carlos Edison do Rêgo Monteiro Filho
El riesgo del confinamiento y la frustración del contrato
El riesgo del confinamiento y la frustración del contrato by Francisco José Ternera Barrios
Pandemia, equilibrio delle posizioni contrattuali e giusto rimedio. Brevi annotazioni
Pandemia, equilibrio delle posizioni contrattuali e giusto rimedio. Brevi annotazioni by Erika Giorgini
Obbligazioni e contratti al tempo dell’emergenza: l’esperienza italiana (art. 3, comma 6-bis, d.l. n. 6/2020)
Obbligazioni e contratti al tempo dell’emergenza: l’esperienza italiana (art. 3, comma 6-bis, d.l. n. 6/2020) by Alberto Maria Benedetti
Breves consideraçoes sobre os impactos da pandemia do Coronavirus nas relações privadas
Breves consideraçoes sobre os impactos da pandemia do Coronavirus nas relações privadas by Marcos Ehrhardt
O direito como experiência. Dos “coronation cases” aos “coronavírus cases”
O direito como experiência. Dos “coronation cases” aos “coronavírus cases” by Nelson Rosenvald
Misure di contenimento della pandemia e rapporti contrattuali
Misure di contenimento della pandemia e rapporti contrattuali by Andrea Federico
El régimen de visitas en tiempo de epidemia: los criterios judiciales a raíz del COVID-19
El régimen de visitas en tiempo de epidemia: los criterios judiciales a raíz del COVID-19 by Gonzalo Muñoz Rodrigo
Emergenza epidemiologica, corretto esercizio della responsabilità genitoriale e tutela della bigenitorialità
Emergenza epidemiologica, corretto esercizio della responsabilità genitoriale e tutela della bigenitorialità by Filippo Romeo
Il “diritto di visita” tra misure di contenimento del contagio e interesse dei figli
Il “diritto di visita” tra misure di contenimento del contagio e interesse dei figli by Loredana Tullio
Cuidado de los hijos en tiempos de pandemia. Apuntes para repensar la experiencia argentina
Cuidado de los hijos en tiempos de pandemia. Apuntes para repensar la experiencia argentina by Mariel Molina de Juan
Abitazione e “confinamento”. COVID-19, diritto di visita del genitore non affidatario e successione mortis causa nei diritti abitativi
Abitazione e “confinamento”. COVID-19, diritto di visita del genitore non affidatario e successione mortis causa nei diritti abitativi by Giampaolo Frezza
Breves consideraciones jurídicas sobre el morir en tiempos de Coronavirus en España
Breves consideraciones jurídicas sobre el morir en tiempos de Coronavirus en España by Jorge Enríquez Sordo
La decisión clínica en una situación de pandemia
La decisión clínica en una situación de pandemia by Valerio Rotondo
Prescrição de medicamentos “off-label” no direito brasileiro: responsabilidade médica e desafios em tempos de COVID-19
Prescrição de medicamentos “off-label” no direito brasileiro: responsabilidade médica e desafios em tempos de COVID-19 by Flaviana Rampazzo
Prescrição médica “off-label” e COVID-19: uma reflexão éticojurídica
Prescrição médica “off-label” e COVID-19: uma reflexão éticojurídica by André Gonçalo Dias Pereira
Pandemia y derecho a la vida y la salud en América y México. Reflexiones a partir de la Resolución 1/2020 de la OEA
Pandemia y derecho a la vida y la salud en América y México. Reflexiones a partir de la Resolución 1/2020 de la OEA by Gisela María Pérez Fuentes
Régimen jurídico de las vacunas en España: reflexiones ante la situación creada por el coronavirus
Régimen jurídico de las vacunas en España: reflexiones ante la situación creada por el coronavirus by Javier Barceló Doménech
Salud y Derecho en tiempo del COVID-19
Salud y Derecho en tiempo del COVID-19 by Josefina Alventosa del Río
Principi bioetici e politiche di gestione della pandemia
Principi bioetici e politiche di gestione della pandemia by Fabio Macioce
La “scelta” della cremazione in stato di pandemia
La “scelta” della cremazione in stato di pandemia by Annalisa Cocco
Las fake news ante el derecho penal español
Las fake news ante el derecho penal español by Luis de las Heras Vives
Right Restriction or Restricting Rights? The UK Acts to Address COVID-19
Right Restriction or Restricting Rights? The UK Acts to Address COVID-19 by Joelle Grogan
Derechos Humanos en México ante el Coronavirus
Derechos Humanos en México ante el Coronavirus by Alfredo Islas Colín
Coronavirus y paternalismo (in)justificado
Coronavirus y paternalismo (in)justificado by Gabriel R. Juan
El respeto a la dignidad y a otros derechos en tiempos de crisis
El respeto a la dignidad y a otros derechos en tiempos de crisis by Pilar Estellés Peralta
Acceso a los lugares de culto y ceremonias religiosas durante el estado de alarma decretado por la epidemia del COVID-19
Acceso a los lugares de culto y ceremonias religiosas durante el estado de alarma decretado por la epidemia del COVID-19 by Rosa María Martínez Navalón
Reflexiones constitucionales desde el confinamiento.
Reflexiones constitucionales desde el confinamiento. by Remedios Sánchez Ferriz
Open COVID Pledge Seeks to Make IP Available for Use in Ending COVID-19
Open COVID Pledge Seeks to Make IP Available for Use in Ending COVID-19 by Darren Franklin
Lockdown Fatigue: Pandemic from the Perspective of Nudge Theory
Lockdown Fatigue: Pandemic from the Perspective of Nudge Theory by Ríán Derrig
La libertà religiosa travolta dall’emergenza
La libertà religiosa travolta dall’emergenza by PIERLUIGI CONSORTI
Covid-19 e digital divide: tecnologie digitali e diritti sociali alla prova dell’emergenza sanitaria
Covid-19 e digital divide: tecnologie digitali e diritti sociali alla prova dell’emergenza sanitaria by Paolo Zuddas
Stato d’emergenza, sovereignty of Parliament e le sue sfide Riflessioni brevi sulle implicazioni costituzionali del CoVid-19 nel Regno Unito
Stato d’emergenza, sovereignty of Parliament e le sue sfide Riflessioni brevi sulle implicazioni costituzionali del CoVid-19 nel Regno Unito by Luca Dell’Atti
Parliament’s role in the coronavirus crisis. Holding the government to account
Parliament’s role in the coronavirus crisis. Holding the government to account by Alice Lilly, Hannah White
La crise sanitaire du Covid 19 et le risque d’États néo-totalitaires
La crise sanitaire du Covid 19 et le risque d’États néo-totalitaires by Edgar Morin
The Myth and Mayhem of ‘Build Back Better’: Human Rights Decision-Making and Human Dignity Imperatives in COVID
The Myth and Mayhem of ‘Build Back Better’: Human Rights Decision-Making and Human Dignity Imperatives in COVID- by Diane Desierto
Anonymization by decentralization? The case of COVID-19 contact tracing apps
Anonymization by decentralization? The case of COVID-19 contact tracing apps by Stephanie Rossello and Pierre Dewitte
The Failure to Pursue the Mandates of International Organizations in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Failure to Pursue the Mandates of International Organizations in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic by Lorenzo Gasbarri
Some Unresolved Aspects of the Australian Competition Approach to COVID-19
Some Unresolved Aspects of the Australian Competition Approach to COVID-19 by John Kettle
Economic Nationalism and Merger Control: Impact of COVID-19
Economic Nationalism and Merger Control: Impact of COVID-19 by Tanya Macrae
Antitrust in Times of National and Global Emergencies
Antitrust in Times of National and Global Emergencies by Reiko Aoki
Convergence in the Time of Cholera: What Lies Ahead for the International Antitrust Agenda
Convergence in the Time of Cholera: What Lies Ahead for the International Antitrust Agenda by Vinicius Marques de Carvalho
Weiss: The Bundesverfassungsgericht’s over-expansive interpretation of the Bundestag’s ‘responsibility for integration’ and the need to adapt judicial review procedures to the E(S)CB’s specificities
Weiss: The Bundesverfassungsgericht’s over-expansive interpretation of the Bundestag’s ‘responsibility for integration’ and the need to adapt judicial review procedures to the E(S)CB’s specificities by Diane Fromage
The German Constitutional Court Decides Price Stability May Not Be Worth Its Price
The German Constitutional Court Decides Price Stability May Not Be Worth Its Price by Gareth Davies
Why the PSPP judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court gives the ECB another incentive to integrate climate change considerations into monetary policy
Why the PSPP judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court gives the ECB another incentive to integrate climate change considerations into monetary policy by Elia Cerrato, Federica Agostini and Nicolas Jaberg
COVID-19: Walking the Tightrope of Vaccination Obligations
COVID-19: Walking the Tightrope of Vaccination Obligations by Lauren Tonti
The Illiterate Democracy. Brazil’s response to the Coronavirus and the human right to science
The Illiterate Democracy. Brazil’s response to the Coronavirus and the human right to science by Luísa Netto
Showdown at the Last Chance Saloon. Why ostracising the representatives of a Member State government is not the solution to the Article 7 TEU
Showdown at the Last Chance Saloon. Why ostracising the representatives of a Member State government is not the solution to the Article 7 TEU impasse by Kieran Bradley
The Bundesbank is under a legal obligation to ignore the PSPP Judgment of the Bundesverfassungsgericht
The Bundesbank is under a legal obligation to ignore the PSPP Judgment of the Bundesverfassungsgericht by András Jakab, Pál Sonnevend
The European Court of Justice Enters a New Era of Scrutiny
The European Court of Justice Enters a New Era of Scrutiny by Alberto Alemanno
National Courts Cannot Override CJEU Judgments.
National Courts Cannot Override CJEU Judgments. A Joint Statement in Defense of the EU Legal Order by R. Daniel Kelemen, Piet Eeckhout, Federico Fabbrini, Laurent Pech, Renáta Uitz
Russia – With Scepter and Corona
Russia – With Scepter and Corona by Paul Kalinichenko, Elizaveta Moskovkina
COVID-19, Constitutionalism and Emergencies under Ghana’s 1992 Fourth Republican Constitution
COVID-19, Constitutionalism and Emergencies under Ghana’s 1992 Fourth Republican Constitution by Kwaku Agyeman-Budu
Impacts of COVID-19 – The Global Access to Justice Survey
Impacts of COVID-19 – The Global Access to Justice Survey by Diogo Esteves & Kim Economides
China’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic: Fighting Two Enemies
China’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic: Fighting Two Enemies by Eva Pils
I limiti delle discussioni sulle “app” di tracciamento anti-Covid e il futuro della medicina digitale
I limiti delle discussioni sulle “app” di tracciamento anti-Covid e il futuro della medicina digitale by Vincenzo Zeno Zencovich
“Nudges” et “big data” dans le monde d’après : Une menace sur le Contrat Social?
“Nudges” et “big data” dans le monde d’après : Une menace sur le Contrat Social? by Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde & Bruno Deffains
App contact tracing, l’appello dei ministri Ue: «I dati dei tracciati valgano anche oltre i confini»
La lettera per condividere le informazioni: «Ci impegniamo a sviluppare applicazioni open source, che rispettino la privacy e siano adottate solo su base volontaria» by Dorothee Bär (Germania) , Cédric O (Francia), Paola Pisano (Italia), Carme Artigas Brugal(Spagna) e André de Aragao Azevedo (Portogallo)
Dall’emergenza sanitaria all’emergenza economica: l’eccessiva onerosità sopravvenuta tra buona fede e obbligo di rinegoziazione
Dall’emergenza sanitaria all’emergenza economica: l’eccessiva onerosità sopravvenuta tra buona fede e obbligo di rinegoziazione by Mauro Grondona
Anàlisis de la incidencia de la crisis sanitaria covid-19 en la contrataciòn pùblica
Anàlisis de la incidencia de la crisis sanitaria covid-19 en la contrataciòn pùblica. Una visiòn comparada UE-LATAM by Michele Cozzio & Nicoletta Parisi
Face à la pandémie, à quoi sert le numérique ?
Face à la pandémie, à quoi sert le numérique ? by Stéphane Grumbach
Traçage : Ce n’est pas le numérique qui pose question, mais notre capacité à penser le bien commun
Traçage : Ce n’est pas le numérique qui pose question, mais notre capacité à penser le bien commun by Stéphane Grumbach
L’America ai tempi del Covid-19: 255 elezioni presidenziali e nuove sfide all’unipolarismo isolazionista statunitense
L’America ai tempi del Covid-19: 255 elezioni presidenziali e nuove sfide all’unipolarismoisolazionista statunitense by Alia K. Nardini
L’impatto della pandemia di Covid-19 sulla politica interna e sulle ambizioni globali della Cina
L’impatto della pandemia di Covid-19 sulla politica interna e sulle ambizioni globali della Cina by Valter Coralluzzo
Trasformazioni e destrutturazioni nel sistema internazionale pre- e post- pandemia
Trasformazioni e destrutturazioni nel sistema internazionale pre- e post- pandemia by Paolo Quercia
Guerra (e pace) degli Aiuti nel dopo-Covid-19
Guerra (e pace) degli Aiuti nel dopo-Covid-19 by Igor Pellicciari
Fiducia e politica internazionale: i nuovi equilibri mondiali dopo la pandemia
Fiducia e politica internazionale: i nuovi equilibri mondiali dopo la pandemia by Emidio Diodato
Il mondo dopo gli Hyksos: uno scorcio geopolitico
Il mondo dopo gli Hyksos: uno scorcio geopolitico by Manlio Graziano
Guerra, igiene del mondo? Pandemia e analogia
Guerra, igiene del mondo? Pandemia e analogia by Michele Chiaruzzi
Il virus del cospirazionismo e le “false notizie” di pace. Congiure e complotti all’epoca del Covid-19
Il virus del cospirazionismo e le “false notizie” di pace. Congiure e complotti all’epoca del Covid-19 by Alessandro Campi
Opinione pubblica e pandemia: cosa resterà delle distorsioni causate dal Covid-19
Opinione pubblica e pandemia: cosa resterà delle distorsioni causate dal Covid-19 by Chiara Moroni
Comunicazione di crisi.
Comunicazione di crisi. 5 lezioni dall’era Covid-19 by Luigi Di Gregorio
La pandemia e l’immaginario distopico-catastrofista. L’Occidente di fronte alla “collassologia”
La pandemia e l’immaginario distopico-catastrofista. L’Occidente di fronte alla “collassologia” by Massimiliano Panarari
Il “patriottismo economico” e la nuova politica industriale: prospettive per il dopo Covid-19
Il “patriottismo economico” e la nuova politica industriale: prospettive per il dopo Covid-19 by Salvatore Santangelo
La pandemia globale e le relazioni economiche internazionali: scenari e previsioni
La pandemia globale e le relazioni economiche internazionali: scenari e previsioni by Giuseppe Pennisi
Il destino dell’Europa ai tempi del Covid-19
Il destino dell’Europa ai tempi del Covid-19 by Riccardo Cavallo
Covid-19 e caos europeo: ripartenza o Finis Europae?
Covid-19 e caos europeo: ripartenza o Finis Europae? by Michele Marchi
La pandemia e il simulacro del Parlamento: gerarchia delle fonti e verticalizzazione della politica nell’epoca del Covid-19
La pandemia e il simulacro del Parlamento: gerarchia delle fonti e verticalizzazione della politica nell’epoca del Covid-19 by Francesco Clementi
Conte, i tecnici, i governatori e la pandemia: la strana co-gestione all’italiana
Conte, i tecnici, i governatori e la pandemia: la strana co-gestione all’italiana by Fabio Martini
Tra stato d’eccezione ed espansione tecnocratica: la crisi del Covid-19 e i possibili scenari
Tra stato d’eccezione ed espansione tecnocratica: la crisi del Covid-19 e i possibili scenari by Lorenzo Castellani
Pedinamento digitale e democrazia della sorveglianza
Pedinamento digitale e democrazia della sorveglianza by Stefano Epifani
La pandemia e la crisi della leadership: come il Covid-19 può cambiare le democrazie
La pandemia e la crisi della leadership: come il Covid-19 può cambiare le democrazie by Sofia Ventura
La rivelazione pandemica e la vita comune: pensare la politica nel «mondo di domani»
La rivelazione pandemica e la vita comune: pensare la politica nel «mondo di domani» by Giulio De Ligio
La democrazia e il contagio globale
La democrazia e il contagio globale by Damiano Palano
Nulla sarà come prima?
Nulla sarà come prima? di Alessandro Campi
Dopo.Come la pandemia può cambiare la politica, l’economia, la comunicazionee le relazioni internazionali by Alessandro Campi (ed)
Covid-19. Uno strumento di diritto dell’Unione europea per l’occupazione (SURE)
Covid-19. Uno strumento di diritto dell’Unione europea per l’occupazione (SURE) by ANNA PITRONE
Turchia – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Valentina Rita Scotti
La protezione dei dati personali ai tempi dell’epidemia
La protezione dei dati personali ai tempi dell’epidemia by Vincenzo Cuffaro e Roberto D’Orazio
Polonia e Ungheria – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Jan Sawicki
Global Health Care System after Coronavirus: Who Has Responsibility to Protect
Global Health Care System after Coronavirus: Who Has Responsibility to Protect by Vladimir Popov
Coronavirus and Social Security Entitlement in the UK
Coronavirus and Social Security Entitlement in the UK by Neville Harris, Ciara Fitzpatrick, Jed Meers, Mark Simpson
Stay-at-Home Orders and COVID-19 Fatalities
Stay-at-Home Orders and COVID-19 Fatalities by Clayton Masterman
Regulating Personal Data Usage in Covid-19 Control Conditions
Regulating Personal Data Usage in Covid-19 Control Conditions by Mark Findlay & Nydia Remolina
Restrictions on Shareholder’s Distribution in the COVID-19 Crisis: Insights on Corporate Purpose
Restrictions on Shareholder’s Distribution in the COVID-19 Crisis: Insights on Corporate Purpose by Antonella Sciarrone Alibrandi & Claudio Frigeni
Emergency measures for equity trading: the case against short-selling bans and stock exchange shutdowns
Emergency measures for equity trading: the case against short-selling bans and stock exchange shutdowns by Luca Enriques & Marco Pagano
Lending activity in the time of coronavirus
Lending activity in the time of coronavirus by Concetta Brescia Morra
The application of the EU banking resolution framework amidst the pandemic crisis
The application of the EU banking resolution framework amidst the pandemic crisis by Christos V. Gortsos
Balancing macro- and micro- prudential powers in the SSM during the COVID-19 crisis
Balancing macro- and micro- prudential powers in the SSM during the COVID-19 crisis by Bart P.M. Joosen
Global pandemic crisis and financial stability
Global pandemic crisis and financial stability by Filippo Annunziata & Michele Siri
THE EU fiscal response to the COVID-19 crisis and the Banking sector: risks and opportunities
THE EU fiscal response to the COVID-19 crisis and the Banking sector: risks and opportunities by Luís Silva Morais
What recovery fund for Europe?
What recovery fund for Europe? (For a dedicated equity line for business, and sound fiscal policy) by Marco Lamandini, Guido Ottolenghi & David Ramos Muñoz
European economic governance and the pandemic: Fiscal crisis management under a flawed policy process
European economic governance and the pandemic: Fiscal crisis management under a flawed policy process by Christos Hadjiemmanuil
Mothballing the economy and the effects on banks
Mothballing the economy and the effects on banks by Matthias Lehmann
Cultural reforms in Irish banks. Walking the walk during the COVID-19 pandemic
Cultural reforms in Irish banks. Walking the walk during the COVID-19 pandemic by Blanaid Clarke
The COVID-19 crisis and financial regulation
The COVID-19 crisis and financial regulation by Eddy Wymeersch
COVID-19 and European banks: no time for lawyers
COVID-19 and European banks: no time for lawyers by Wolf-Georg Ringe
Is the European Union going to help us overcome the COVID-19 crisis?
Is the European Union going to help us overcome the COVID-19 crisis? by Danny Busch
Foreword to financial stability studies
Foreword to financial stability studies by Edouard Fernandez-Bollo, Elke Konig, Thomas Stadtner
Pandemic Crisis and Financial Stability
Pandemic Crisis and Financial Stability by Christos V. Gortos, Wolf-Georg Ringe (eds.)
EBI Report on the ‘Pandemic Crisis-related’ Economic Policy and Financial Regulation Measures
EBI Report on the ‘Pandemic Crisis-related’ Economic Policy and Financial Regulation Measures: International, EU and Euro Area Levels (standing as of 22 May 2020)
Il contraddittorio cartolare coatto tra interpretazione conforme a Costituzione e dubbi di legittimità
Il contraddittorio cartolare coatto tra interpretazione conforme a Costituzione e dubbi di legittimità by Ignazione Lagrotta
Contraddittorio orale e bilanciamento presidenziale. Prime osservazioni sull’art. 4 del D.L. n. 28 del 2020
Contraddittorio orale e bilanciamento presidenziale. Prime osservazioni sull’art. 4 del D.L. n. 28 del 2020 by Stefano Tarullo
Sulla udienza telematica
Sulla udienza telematica by Claudio Zucchelli
Alcune riflessioni sui profili organizzativi ai tempi del coronavirus
Alcune riflessioni sui profili organizzativi ai tempi del coronavirus by Carlo Bottari
La lingua dell’emergenza: le criticità linguistiche negli atti normativi finalizzati al contrasto al SARS CoV-2
La lingua dell’emergenza: le criticità linguistiche negli atti normativi finalizzati al contrasto al SARS CoV-2 by Andrea Venanzoni
I rapporti tra ordinanze sanitarie regionali e atti statali normativi e regolamentari al tempo del Covid-19
I rapporti tra ordinanze sanitarie regionali e atti statali normativi e regolamentari al tempo del Covid-19 by Andrea Romano
I poteri necessitati al tempo della pandemia
I poteri necessitati al tempo della pandemia by Sebastiano Licciardello
La libertà di esercizio del culto cattolico in Italia in epoca di COVID-19. Una questione di diritto internazionale.
La libertà di esercizio del culto cattolico in Italia in epoca di COVID-19. Una questione di diritto internazionale. by Gabriele Matteo Caporale e Lorenzo Trapassi
Il nemico invisibile. La battaglia contro il Covid-19 divisa tra Stato e Regioni
Il nemico invisibile. La battaglia contro il Covid-19 divisa tra Stato e Regioni by Viviana Di Capua
Gli effetti giuridici della pandemia del Coronavirus sulla condizione degli stranieri
Gli effetti giuridici della pandemia del Coronavirus sulla condizione degli stranieri by Paolo Bonetti
COVID-19 regulations on religious freedom in the United Kingdom and the response of the Catholic Church in England and Wales – Olir
COVID-19 regulations on religious freedom in the United Kingdom and the response of the Catholic Church in England and Wales – Olir by David Garciandía Igal
La Chiesa Cattolica e il Governo: la bilateralità tra “leale collaborazione” ed emergenza
La Chiesa Cattolica e il Governo: la bilateralità tra “leale collaborazione” ed emergenza by Stefano Montesano
Libertà religiosa e pandemia
Libertà religiosa e pandemia: tre paradossi invisibili e tre varchi per abitarli by Roberto Maier Parte I – Tre paradossi invisibili/Parte II – I varchi possibili
La percepción de las disposiciones legales de Rumanía por parte de las confesiones religiosas en el contexto de la pandemia del Covid-19
La percepción de las disposiciones legales de Rumanía por parte de las confesiones religiosas en el contexto de la pandemia del Covid-19 by David Baltaretu
The COVID-19 Cover-Up; How Federal Courts Are Changing Constitutional Law to Uphold Unconstitutional State Actions
The COVID-19 Cover-Up; How Federal Courts Are Changing Constitutional Law to Uphold Unconstitutional State Actions by Jacob Paglialonga
Nigeria’s Emergency (Legal) Response to COVID-19: A Worthy Sacrifice for Public Health?
Nigeria’s Emergency (Legal) Response to COVID-19: A Worthy Sacrifice for Public Health? by Lukman Abdulrauf
Fight Against Covid-19 in Serbia: Saving the Nation or Securing the Re-Election?
Fight Against Covid-19 in Serbia: Saving the Nation or Securing the Re-Election? by Tanasije Marinković
Chile and COVID-19: A Constitutional Authoritarian Temptation
Chile and COVID-19: A Constitutional Authoritarian Temptation by Leonardo Cofre
Emergency Law Amendments to Fight Covid-19 in Egypt: Putting the Poison in the Honey
Emergency Law Amendments to Fight Covid-19 in Egypt: Putting the Poison in the Honey by Ahmed Ellaboudy
The State of Denial Amidst a Military Parade: COVID-19 in Belarus
The State of Denial Amidst a Military Parade: COVID-19 in Belarus by Uladzislau Belavusau, Maksim Karliuk
Czechs and Balances – If the Epidemiological Situation Allows…
Czechs and Balances – If the Epidemiological Situation Allows… by Zuzana Vikarská
Romania in the Covid Era: Between Corona Crisis and Constitutional Crisis
Romania in the Covid Era: Between Corona Crisis and Constitutional Crisis by Bianca Selejan-Gutan
Cameroon’s Fight Against COVID-19: An Ordinary Legal Framework for an Extraordinary Situation
Cameroon’s Fight Against COVID-19: An Ordinary Legal Framework for an Extraordinary Situation by Éric-Adol Gatsi Tazo
Slovakia: Change of Government under COVID-19 Emergency
Slovakia: Change of Government under COVID-19 Emergency by Slavomíra Henčeková, Šimon Drugda
States of Emergency without Rule of Law: The Case of Venezuela
States of Emergency without Rule of Law: The Case of Venezuela by Jesús María Casal Hernández, Mariela Morales Antoniazzi
Unione europea – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Luigi Melica
Alcune questioni dell’emergenza COVID-19 in Italia in un’ottica di International Disaster Law (Parte I)
Alcune questioni dell’emergenza COVID-19 in Italia in un’ottica di International Disaster Law (Parte I) by Giulio Bartolini
COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol
Operational Guidelines for the management of air passengers and aviation personnel in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
Religions, Africa and covid-19
Religions, Africa and covid-19 by Stefano Picciaredda
Forbidden Pilgrimages during Covid-19 Pandemic
Forbidden Pilgrimages during Covid-19 Pandemic by Maria Luisa Lo Giacco
Lockdown v. Liberty
Lockdown v. Liberty by Maria Cahill
Can Parliament Exercise Effective Control over the Emergency Legislation?
Can Parliament Exercise Effective Control over the Emergency Legislation? by Dániel Karsai
When is a Court a Court?
When is a Court a Court? by Urška Šadl
From Dialogue to Trialogue
From Dialogue to Trialogue by Stefan Braum
Law or Politics? The BVerfG’s PSPP Judgment
Law or Politics? The BVerfG’s PSPP Judgment by Francesca Bignami
Squaring the PSPP Circle
How a ‘declaration of incompatibility’ can reconcile the supremacy of EU law with respect for national constitutional identity by Oliver Garner
Loi sur les catastrophes sanitaires: La Cour constitutionnelle saisie
Loi sur les catastrophes sanitaires : La Cour constitutionnelle saisie by Loic Ntoutoume
Risoluzione del Parlamento europeo del 15 maggio 2020 sul nuovo quadro finanziario pluriennale, le risorse proprie e il piano di ripresa
Risoluzione del Parlamento europeo del 15 maggio 2020 sul nuovo quadro finanziario pluriennale, le risorse proprie e il piano di ripresa (2020/2631(RSP))
Brasile – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Pier Luigi Petrillo
Coronavirus contact-tracing apps: can they slow the spread of COVID-19?
Coronavirus contact-tracing apps: can they slow the spread of COVID-19? by Mark Zastrow
Il bilanciamento tra diritti, libertà e interessi pubblici nel contact tracing è questione di alta politica
Il bilanciamento tra diritti, libertà e interessi pubblici nel contact tracing è questione di alta politica by LUCA BOLOGNINI
Panama: Law on Congressional Virtual Sessions Enacted
Panama: Law on Congressional Virtual Sessions Enacted
Norway: Government Launches Mobile App to Track and Stem Spread of COVID-19
Norway: Government Launches Mobile App to Track and Stem Spread of COVID-19
Philippines: President Granted Temporary Extraordinary Powers to Combat COVID-19
Philippines: President Granted Temporary Extraordinary Powers to Combat COVID-19
Singapore: COVID-19 Control Orders Extended to June
Singapore: COVID-19 Control Orders Extended to June
Pakistan: Federal Government Introduces Ordinance to Ban Food Hoarding by Traders Capitalizing on COVID-19 Pandemi
Pakistan: Federal Government Introduces Ordinance to Ban Food Hoarding by Traders Capitalizing on COVID-19 Pandemi
Uganda: Government Measures to Slow the Spread of COVID-19
Uganda: Government Measures to Slow the Spread of COVID-19
Jordan: Government Takes Steps Aimed at Curbing COVID-19 Outbreak
Jordan: Government Takes Steps Aimed at Curbing COVID-19 Outbreak
Malawi: High Court Temporarily Blocks COVID-19 Lockdown
Malawi: High Court Temporarily Blocks COVID-19 Lockdown
La Cina deve risarcire i danni transnazionali da Covid-19? Orizzonti ad oriente
La Cina deve risarcire i danni transnazionali da Covid-19? Orizzonti ad oriente by Fabrizio Marrella
Israel: Ministry of Health Issues Guidelines on Use of Cameras in COVID-19 Hospital Units
Israel: Ministry of Health Issues Guidelines on Use of Cameras in COVID-19 Hospital Units
Israel Security Agency Surveillance to Trace COVID-19 Patients and Contacts Scrutinized
Israel Security Agency Surveillance to Trace COVID-19 Patients and Contacts Scrutinized by Ruth Levush
Emerging from the tunnel and strengthening rail supply chains
Emerging from the tunnel and strengthening rail supply chains by Howard Rosen
A French-German initiative for the European Recovery from Coronavirus Crisis
A French-German initiative for the European Recovery from Coronavirus Crisis
Éloge d’un état d’urgence sanitaire en «co-construction»; CSP, art. L. 3131-12 et s.
Éloge d’un état d’urgence sanitaire en « co-construction »; CSP, art. L. 3131-12 et s. by Xavier Dupré de Boulois
Les libertés et les mesures prises pour lutter contre la propagation du covid-19
Les libertés et les mesures prises pour lutter contre la propagation du covid-19 by Patrick Wachsmann
Les tribunaux judiciaires à l’épreuve de la crise sanitaire
Les tribunaux judiciaires à l’épreuve de la crise sanitaire
La stratégie du créancier pendant la crise sanitaire
La stratégie du créancier pendant la crise sanitaire by Jean-Jacques Ansault, Cyril Falhun & Jean-Charles Jaïs
Suspension des délais dans la procédure de saisie immobilière pendant l’épidémie de covid-19
Suspension des délais dans la procédure de saisie immobilière pendant l’épidémie de covid-19 by Christian Laporte
USA – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Guerino D’Ignazio
Una riflessione ed una proposta per la migliore tutela dei soggetti pregiudicati dagli effetti della pandemia
Una riflessione ed una proposta per la migliore tutela dei soggetti pregiudicati dagli effetti della pandemia by Associazione Civilisti Italiani
Australia’s COVIDSafe Experiment, Phase III: Legislation for Trust in Contact Tracing
Australia’s COVIDSafe Experiment, Phase III: Legislation for Trust in Contact Tracing by Graham Greenleaf & Katharine Kemp
Learning to Live with Crisis Governance Long after the Coronavirus?
Learning to Live with Crisis Governance Long after the Coronavirus? by Abhinav Sekhri
Very Unkind Things about the German Constitutional Court’s Rebellion against the ECJ in the Quantitative Easing Case.
Very Unkind Things about the German Constitutional Court’s Rebellion against the ECJ in the Quantitative Easing Case by Andrea Guazzarotti
Do We Need an International Commission of Inquiry for COVID-19?
Do We Need an International Commission of Inquiry for COVID-19? Part I – Part II by Michael A Becker
La BCE e la Corte di giustizia sul banco degli accusati del Tribunale costituzionale tedesco
La BCE e la Corte di giustizia sul banco degli accusati del Tribunale costituzionale tedesco by GIUSEPPE TESAURO – PATRIZIA DE PASQUALE
Fighting Covid-19 and protecting privacy under EU Law. A proposal looking at the roots of European Constitutionalism
Fighting Covid-19 and protecting privacy under EU Law. A proposal looking at the roots of European Constitutionalism by Oreste Pollicino
Effectiveness vs Integrity – How Covid-19 is affecting privacy
Effectiveness vs Integrity – How Covid-19 is affecting privacy by Christina Etteldorf
The EU’s Common Approach to contact tracing : the EDPB, EDPS, Commission and Parliament’s responses
The EU’s Common Approach to contact tracing : the EDPB, EDPS, Commission and Parliament’s responses by Anjum Shabbir
The European Investigation Order and the hearing of witnesses and experts by telephone conference
The European Investigation Order and the hearing of witnesses and experts by telephone conference by JORGE ESPINA
Access to healthcare and social distance during COVID pandemic cannot stop at the prison gate
Access to healthcare and social distance during COVID pandemic cannot stop at the prison gate by Maïté De Rue
Il voto del Parlamento europeo sul “Recovery Fund” e sulle misure di assistenza finanziaria ai paesi partner dell’allargamento e del vicinato dell’Unione
A. Correra – A. Veneziani[1] Sommario: 1. Introduzione. – 2. Le azioni per il rilancio economico nel mercato interno. – 3. Le misure di assistenza finanziaria ai paesi partner dell’allargamento e del vicinato dell’Unione. – 4. Conclusioni. 1. Nella settimana del 70° anniversario della dichiarazione di Schuman che ha segnato l’inizio del processo di integrazioneContinua a leggere “Il voto del Parlamento europeo sul “Recovery Fund” e sulle misure di assistenza finanziaria ai paesi partner dell’allargamento e del vicinato dell’Unione”
Should Extremely Premature Babies Get Ventilators During the COVID-19 Crisis?
Should Extremely Premature Babies Get Ventilators During the COVID-19 Crisis? by Marlyse F. Haward, Annie Janvier, Gregory P. Moore, Naomi Laventhal,Jessica T. Fry & John Lantos
Rural and Remote Communities: Unique Ethical Issues in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Rural and Remote Communities: Unique Ethical Issues in the COVID-19 Pandemic by Cheryl Erwin, Julie Aultman, Tom Harter, Judy Illes & Rabbi Claudio J. Kogan
Prioritizing Frontline Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Prioritizing Frontline Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic by Nancy S. Jecker, Aaron G. Wightman & Douglas S. Diekema
Coronavirus Is Giving Cost-Benefit Analysts Fits
Coronavirus Is Giving Cost-Benefit Analysts Fits by Cass R. Sunstein
You can sue to stop lockdowns, but you can’t sue to get them. That’s dangerous
You can sue to stop lockdowns, but you can’t sue to get them. That’s dangerous. by Eric Posner
Les nouveaux développements de l’État plateforme
Les nouveaux développements de l’État plateforme by Jacques Chevallier
Ethical Framework for Health Care Institutions Responding to Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
Ethical Framework for Health Care Institutions Responding to Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) – Guidelines for Institutional Ethics Services Responding to COVID-19
La “force majeure” nel diritto polacco
di Zofia Maria Mazur Con il presente contributo l’autrice ha voluto presentare una breve descrizione della disciplina di “forza maggiore” (siła wyższa) presente nel diritto polacco, nonché gli eventuali rimedi nel caso dell’impossibilità di invocare la fattispecie presa in esame. IL CONCETTO DI “FORZA MAGGIORE” All’interno dell’ordinamento polacco non vi è una definizione uniformeContinua a leggere “La “force majeure” nel diritto polacco”
Kill the Chickens to Scare the Monkeys
Kill the Chickens to Scare the Monkeys by Ruiping Ye
Suing the BVerfG
Suing the BVerfG by Federico Fabbrini
At the End of the Law
A Moment of Truth for the Eurozone and the EU by Marco Dani, Joana Mendes, Agustín José Menendez, Michael Wilkinson, Harm Schepel & Edoardo Chiti
Democracy and the Global Emergency – Shared Experiences, Starkly Uneven Impacts
Democracy and the Global Emergency – Shared Experiences, Starkly Uneven Impacts by Tom Gerald Daly
Covid- 19: Malaysia and the Return of Rule by Law
Covid- 19: Malaysia and the Return of Rule by Law by Ratna Rueban Balasubramaniam
Is Egenberger next?
Is Egenberger next? by Martijn van den Brink
Albania – Some Exceptional Extraordinary Measures
Albania – Some Exceptional Extraordinary Measures by Ledi Bianku
State of Emergency in Estonia
State of Emergency in Estonia by Rait Maruste
Comparative frame on Contract Law during Covid-19 crisis
Comparative frame on Contrac Law during Covid-19 crisis by María Paz García Rubio
Analysis of the contractual measures adopted in Mexico against the COVID-19 pandemic: A look at the contractual matter
Analysis of the contractual measures adopted in Mexico against the COVID-19 pandemic: A look at the contractual matter by Florencia Aurora Ledesma Lois
The Colombia mesures to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 under civil law
The Colombia mesures to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 under civil law by Isué Natalia Vargas Brand
Contract Law and COVID 19 in Chile. Exceptional regulations and general law
Contract Law and COVID 19 in Chile. Exceptional regulations and general law by Iñigo de la Maza Gazmuri & Álvaro Vidal Olivares
Swiss legislative measures relating to the Covid-19 crisis with an impact on private law
Swiss legislative measures relating to the Covid-19 crisis with an impact on private law by Eva Lein
The impact of the sanitary crisis of COVID 19 on the Romanian Contractual Law
The impact of the sanitary crisis of COVID 19 on the Romanian Contractual Law by Dinca Razvan
Measures in England relating to the Covid-19 crisis with an impact on private law
Measures in England relating to the Covid-19 crisis with an impact on private law by Eva Lein
CoViD-19, Credit, Lease and Tourism-connected Contracts in Portugal
CoViD-19, Credit, Lease and Tourism-connected Contracts in Portugal by Nuno Manuel Pinto Oliveira
The Interventions of the Italian Legislator in relation to the Civil Law aspects of the Covid-19 emergency
The Interventions of the Italian Legislator in relation to the Civil Law aspects of the Covid-19 emergency by Vincenzo Barba
The Response of French Contract Law to the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Response of French Contract Law to the COVID-19 Pandemic by Ricardo Pazos Castro
Regulated measures on contracts because of COVID-19
Regulated measures on contracts because of COVID-19 in Spain by María Paz García Rubio
Civil Law measures by COVID-19 in Austria
Civil Law measures by COVID-19 in Austria by Íñigo Mateo y Villa
The German Legislative Measures Related to the Covid-19 crisis in the Area of Civil Law
The German Legislative Measures Related to the Covid-19 crisis in the Area of Civil Law by Matthias Lehmann
Nouvelles précisions réglementaires sur le prêt garanti par l’État
Nouvelles précisions réglementaires sur le prêt garanti par l’État by Xavier Delpech
Who Gets the Ventilator? Important Legal Rights in a Pandemic
Who Gets the Ventilator? Important Legal Rights in a Pandemic by Kathleen Liddell et al
Frustration of Purpose As An Excuse for the Non-Performance of Contractual Obligations Impacted by the Coronavirus Pandemic and by Pandemic-Related Governmental Restrictions: Some Preliminary Thoughts
Frustration of Purpose As An Excuse for the Non-Performance of Contractual Obligations Impacted by the Coronavirus Pandemic and by Pandemic-Related Governmental Restrictions: Some Preliminary Thoughts by Gregory S. Crespi
Courts, Mediation and COVID-19
Courts, Mediation and COVID-19 by Tania Sourdin & John Zeleznikow
Adapting to Change: COVID-19 as a Factor Shaping EU State Aid Law
Adapting to Change: COVID-19 as a Factor Shaping EU State Aid Law by Alessandro Rosanò
Free Movement of Workers in the Light of the COVID-19 Sanitary Crisis: From Restrictive Selection to Selective Mobility
Free Movement of Workers in the Light of the COVID-19 Sanitary Crisis: From Restrictive Selection to Selective Mobility by Sophie Robin-Olivier
Rapatriements en situation d’urgence lors de la pandémie de COVID-19: la solidarité européenne hors sol européen
Rapatriements en situation d’urgence lors de la pandémie de COVID-19: la solidarité européenne hors sol européen by Anastasia Iliopoulou-Penot
Coronavirus Act 2020: il ruolo del Parlamento di fronte all’emergenza sanitaria
Cosimo Serpolla 1. Premessa: la delegated legislation nel Regno Unito L’approvazione del Coronavirus Act 2020 lo scorso venticinque marzo, in assenza di approfondito scrutinio parlamentare (appena due giorni fra il primo dibattito nella Camera dei Comuni e la sanzione regia) ha significato, come è noto, notevoli restrizioni alle libertà dei cittadini britannici. Ciò che forseContinua a leggere “Coronavirus Act 2020: il ruolo del Parlamento di fronte all’emergenza sanitaria”
Edoardo Ferrero* In questi giorni è stato ripetuto, da più voci, che non avremmo dovuto lamentarci di stare rinserrati in casa poiché il nostro sforzo non era minimamente paragonabile ai sacrifici dei genitori o nonni durante le grandi guerre del secolo scorso. Il pensiero senz’altro condivisibile e ha suscitato in me un’altra riflessione: gli stessiContinua a leggere “LA GESTIONE DELLA PANDEMIA TRA COSTITUZIONE E STATO DI ECCEZIONE: ALCUNE BREVI CONSIDERAZIONI”
Unità di intenti tra Commissione ed Eurogruppo nell’uso del MES
di Celeste Pesce* 1. Nel pomeriggio dell’8 maggio 2020, l’Eurogruppo ha raggiunto l’intesa sulle condizioni di sostegno alla crisi pandemica chiarendo, tra l’altro, le modalità di ricorso al MES (Meccanismo Europeo di stabilità, comunemente conosciuto come Fondo salva-Stati). In dettaglio, è stato fissato al 2% del Pil (2019) l’uso della linea di credito. L’unico requisitoContinua a leggere “Unità di intenti tra Commissione ed Eurogruppo nell’uso del MES”
Une période d’incertitudes légales et contractuelles propice au « réflexe médiation » pour l’entreprise
Une période d’incertitudes légales et contractuelles propice au « réflexe médiation » pour l’entreprise by Catherine Peulvé
Covid-19 : les rythmes du droit des entreprises en difficulté à l’épreuve du temps
Covid-19 : les rythmes du droit des entreprises en difficulté à l’épreuve du temps by Geoffroy Berthelot
Délocalisation de procédure face au Covid-19
Délocalisation de procédure face au Covid-19 by Christophe Delattre
Politiques de concurrence et crise du covid-19
Politiques de concurrence et crise du covid-19; Premières réponses de la Commission européenne et de l’Autorité de la concurrence by Laurence Idot
La violation du confinement à l’épreuve du contentieux
La violation du confinement à l’épreuve du contentieux by Mathieu Disant, Olivier Maricourt
Making Cyberspace Safe for Democracy
Making Cyberspace Safe for Democracy by Laura Rosenberger
China’s Coming Upheaval
China’s Coming Upheaval. Competition, the Coronavirus, and the weakness of Xi Jiping by Minxin Pei
Criminal Law in Crisis
Criminal Law in Crisis by Benjamin Levin
Legal Liability and COVID-19 Recovery
Legal Liability and COVID-19 Recovery by Tyler Cowen , Trace Mitchell
Protecting the Presumption of Freedom
Protecting the Presumption of Freedom by Christina Sandefur, Jon Riches
Financing Firms in Hibernation During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Financing Firms in Hibernation During the Covid-19 Pandemic by Tatiana Didier, Federico Huneeus, Mauricio Larrain, Sergio L. Schmukler
La libre circulation des personnes dans l’Union européenne à l’épreuve de la Covid-19
La libre circulation des personnes dans l’Union européenne à l’épreuve de la Covid-19 by Ségolène Barbou des Places
Covid-19 : le renforcement des contrôles aux frontières Schengen
Covid-19 : le renforcement des contrôles aux frontières Schengen by Ségolène Barbou des Places
Déconfinement et libre circulation des personnes dans l’UE
Déconfinement et libre circulation des personnes dans l’UE by Jacques Buhart
Substantive EU Law review beyond the veil of democracy: the German Federal Costitutional Court ultumately acts as Supreme Court of the EU
Substantive EU Law review beyond the veil of democracy: the German Federal Costitutional Court ultumately acts as Supreme Court of the EU by Heiko Sauer
Requiem for Judicial Dialogue
The German Federal Costituional Court’s judgment in the Weiss case and its European implications by Daniel Sarmiento
L’emergenza Covid-19 in Iran: strumenti normativi e situazione internazionale
L‘emergenza Covid-19 in Iran: strumenti normativi e situazione internazionale by Francesco Petrucciano
La risposta degli Emirati Arabi Uniti al Covid-19
La risposta degli Emirati Arabi Uniti al Covid-19 by Leonardo Parisi
Situazione di emergenza epidemica in Libia
Situazione di emergenza epidemica in Libia by WISAM ZREG
La BCE et la Cour constitutionnelle allemande : comprendre l’arrêt du 5 mai de la Cour constitutionnelle allemande
La BCE et la Cour constitutionnelle allemande : comprendre l’arrêt du 5 mai de la Cour constitutionnelle allemande by Francesco Martucci
La BCE et la Cour constitutionnelle allemande : souligner les paradoxes de l’arrêt du 5 mai de la Cour constitutionnelle allemande
La BCE et la Cour constitutionnelle allemande : souligner les paradoxes de l’arrêt du 5 mai de la Cour constitutionnelle allemande by Francesco Martucci
Viet Nam: When Non-Emergency Measures Equal Emergency Measures
Viet Nam: When Non-Emergency Measures Equal Emergency Measures by Trung Nguyen
Georgia’s Coronation of an Orwellian Doublethink
Georgia’s Coronation of an Orwellian Doublethink by Giorgi Chitidze
Human Rights – The Essential Frame of Reference in the Global Response to COVID-19
Human Rights – The Essential Frame of Reference in the Global Response to COVID-19 by Alice Donald, Philip Leach
Constitutional Constraints meet Political Pressure. Finlands precarious participation in the COVID-19 solidarity measures
Constitutional Constraints meet Political Pressure. Finlands precarious participation in the COVID-19 solidarity measures by Päivi Leino-Sandberg
Autonomismo e centralismo nella lotta contro la pandemia coronavirus
Autonomismo e centralismo nella lotta contro la pandemia coronavirus by UMBERTO ALLEGRETTI, ENZO BALBONI
Alcune considerazioni su voto parlamentare a distanza, corpi del sovrano e metafisica costituzionale della presenza
Alcune considerazioni su voto parlamentare a distanza, corpi del sovrano e metafisica costituzionale della presenza by MAURIZIO BOZZAOTRE
Herd Immunity and Lockdown: The Legitimacy of National Policies Against the Pandemic and Judicial Self-Restraint by the ECtHR
Herd Immunity and Lockdown: The Legitimacy of National Policies Against the Pandemic and Judicial Self-Restraint by the ECtHR by Vassilis P. Tzevelekos
Libertà religiosa e libertà di culto ai tempi del Covid-19: una questione di bilanciamento
Libertà religiosa e libertà di culto ai tempi del Covid-19: una questione di bilanciamento by Giovanni Blando
Karlsruhe über alles? Il ragionamento sul principio di proporzionalità nella pronunzia del 5 maggio 2020 del BVerfG tedesco e le sue conseguenze
Karlsruhe über alles? Il ragionamento sul principio di proporzionalità nella pronunzia del 5 maggio 2020 del BVerfG tedesco e le sue conseguenze by Diana-Urania Galetta
L’art. 36, comma 3, del decreto legge n. 23/2020: la sospensione parziale dei termini processuali è giustificata? Verso una lettura ragionevole della norma
L’art. 36, comma 3, del decreto legge n. 23/2020: la sospensione parziale dei termini processuali è giustificata? Verso una lettura ragionevole della norma by Marco Lipari
La scuola: dal passato al futuro, attraverso il ponte sospeso dell’emergenza (COVID- 19)
La scuola: dal passato al futuro, attraverso il ponte sospeso dell’emergenza (COVID- 19) by Silvia Nicodemo
AGCM e tutela del consumatore ai tempi del Coronavirus
AGCM e tutela del consumatore ai tempi del Coronavirus by Susanna Sandulli
La Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti d’America all’epoca del COVID-19 (uno sguardo d’insieme)
La Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti d’America all’epoca del COVID-19 (uno sguardo d’insieme) by PATRIZIA MAGARÒ
Décision n° 2020-800 DC du 11 mai 2020 – Communiqué de presse
Décision n° 2020-800 DC du 11 mai 2020 – Communiqué de presse
ULTRA VIRES? by Peter Meier-Beck
Sudafrica – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Romano Orrù
La forma di governo nel tempo dell’emergenza
La forma di governo nel tempo dell’emergenza by Antonio Ruggeri
The Traditional Definition of Pandemics, Its Moral Conflations, and Its Practical Implications: A Defense of Conceptual Clarity in Global Health Laws and Policies
The Traditional Definition of Pandemics, Its Moral Conflations, and Its Practical Implications: A Defense of Conceptual Clarity in Global Health Laws and Policies by THANA C. DE CAMPOS
Commentary: Challenges to Achieve Conceptual Clarity in the Definition of Pandemics
Commentary: Challenges to Achieve Conceptual Clarity in the Definition of Pandemics by EDUARDO A. UNDURRAGA
Unità di intenti tra Commissione ed Eurogruppo nell’uso del MES
Unità di intenti tra Commissione ed Eurogruppo nell’uso del MES by Celeste Pesce
La réponse législative du Royaume-Uni à la crise sanitaire
La réponse législative du Royaume-Uni à la crise sanitaire by Aurélien Antoine
L’insopportabile pesantezza del giudice costituzionale tedesco
L’insopportabile pesantezza del giudice costituzionale tedesco by Jacques Ziller
Les systèmes de justice face à la pandémie du Covid-19
Les systèmes de justice face à la pandémie du Covid-19 by Jean-Paul Jean
Cose molto cattive sulla ribellione del Tribunale costituzionale tedesco al Quantitative easing della BCE
Cose molto cattive sulla ribellione del Tribunale costituzionale tedesco al Quantitative easing della BCE by Andrea Guazzarotti
Report by the Eurogroup, in inclusive format, on the comprehensive economic policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Report by the Eurogroup, in inclusive format, on the comprehensive economic policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Comment to PSPP decision
Comment to PSPP decision by Franz C. Mayer
Monetizzare il debito pubblico grazie alla BCE senza cambiare i parametri di Maastricht?
Monetizzare il debito pubblico grazie alla BCE senza cambiare i parametri di Maastricht? by Andrea Guazzarotti
Letter to ESM
Letter to ESM
Perché il tribunale costituzionale tedesco sbaglia nel censurare gli «effetti di politica economica» della BCE?
Perché il tribunale costituzionale tedesco sbaglia nel censurare gli «effetti di politica economica» della BCE? by Omar Chessa
Vers une immunité pénale inédite en droit français : le cas de la responsabilité des maires
Vers une immunité pénale inédite en droit français : le cas de la responsabilité des maires (part I – part II) by Didier Rebut
Poland: COVID-19: repayable advance scheme for micro, small and mediumsized enterprises
Poland: COVID-19: repayable advance scheme for micro, small and mediumsized enterprises
Sweden and COVID 19: A Constitutional Perspective
Sweden and COVID 19: A Constitutional Perspective by Iain Cameron, Anna Jonsson-Cornell
The Netherlands: Of Rollercoasters and Elephants
The Netherlands: Of Rollercoasters and Elephants by Antoine Buyse, Roel de Lange
Health Before Rights and Liberties: Thailand’s Response to COVID-19
Health Before Rights and Liberties: Thailand’s Response to COVID-19 by Khemthong Tonsakulrungruang, Rawin Leelapatana
Ecuador – Constitutionalism and Covid-19
Ecuador – Constitutionalism and Covid-19 by Andrés Cervantes
Croatia’s Response to COVID-19: On Legal Form and Constitutional Safeguards in Times of Pandemic
Croatia’s Response to COVID-19: On Legal Form and Constitutional Safeguards in Times of Pandemic by Nika Bačić Selanec
Emergency and Risk in Comparative Public Law
Emergency and Risk in Comparative Public Law by Giuseppe Martinico, Marta Simoncini
Is the BVerfG PSPP decision “simply not comprehensible”? A critique of the judgment’s reasoning on proportionality
Is the BVerfG PSPP decision “simply not comprehensible”? A critique of the judgment’s reasoning on proportionality by Toni Marzal
A Fresh Start: How to Address Regulations Suspended During the Coronavirus Crisis
A Fresh Start: How to Address Regulations Suspended During the Coronavirus Crisis by Patrick A. McLaughlin, Matthew D. Mitchell & Adam D. Thierer
[Covid-19] Relations contractuelles : une loi pour détourner le Code des Obligations et Contrats Écrit
[Covid-19] Relations contractuelles : une loi pour détourner le Code des Obligations et Contrats by Lamiae Boumahrou
Covid-19 et droit international : la Chine peut-elle être tenue juridiquement responsable de la crise sanitaire ?
Covid-19 et droit international : la Chine peut-elle être tenue juridiquement responsable de la crise sanitaire ? by Thibaut Fleury-Graff
Appli Covid 19 : non aux discriminations sous couvert d’innovation
Appli Covid 19 : non aux discriminations sous couvert d’innovation by Marlène Schiappa, Frédéric Potier et Jérôme Giusti
The Coronavirus Crisis and the Chimera of Authoritarian Competence
The Coronavirus Crisis and the Chimera of Authoritarian Competence by George Yin & Ted S. Yoho
Spunti per una riflessione collettiva sulle misure adottate ed adottabili per il contrasto alla crisi economica “da pandemia”
Spunti per una riflessione collettiva sulle misure adottate ed adottabili per il contrasto alla crisi economica “da pandemia” by Giustino Di Cecco
Il rischio di “insolvenza diffusa”. Spunti di riflessione per la “fase 2” (e una proposta operativa).
Il rischio di “insolvenza diffusa”. Spunti di riflessione per la “fase 2” (e una proposta operativa) by Vittorio Minervini
Misure urgenti in materia fallimentare e societaria di contrasto al COVID-19
Misure urgenti in materia fallimentare e societaria di contrasto al COVID-19 by Rolandino Guidotti
Proposta di legge per una moratoria straordinaria volta a gestire l’emergenza, tramite l’istituzione della procedura di “amministrazione vigilata.”
Proposta di legge per una moratoria straordinaria volta a gestire l’emergenza, tramite l’istituzione della procedura di “amministrazione vigilata.” by Giorgio Corno e Luciano Panzani
Some Preliminary Remarks on the PSPP Decision of the German Constitutional Court
Some Preliminary Remarks on the PSPP Decision of the German Constitutional Court by Miguel Poiares Maduro
Spagna – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Valeria Piergigli
Press release following the judgment of the German Constitutional Court of 5 May 2020
Press release following the judgment of the German Constitutional Court of 5 May 2020 – CJEU
Legal reactions to the Covid19 pandemic in Chile
Legal reactions to the Covid19 pandemic in Chile by Ignacio Ríos and Carla Sepúlveda
The PSPP judgment of the German Constitutional Court: An Abrupt Pause to an Intricate Judicial Tango
The PSPP judgment of the German Constitutional Court: An Abrupt Pause to an Intricate Judicial Tango by Dimitrios Kyriazis
Nota a prima lettura della sentenza del Tribunale costituzionale federale tedesco sul Quantitative easing: un decisione politica che chiude la strada alle misure di mutualizzazione del debito e la apre al MES
Nota a prima lettura della sentenza del Tribunale costituzionale federale tedesco sulQuantitative easing: un decisione politica che chiude la strada alle misure di mutualizzazione del debito e la apre al MES by Fiammetta Salmoni
La sentenza della Corte Costituzionale Federale tedesca sul programma di acquisto dei titoli pubblici della BCE
La sentenza della Corte Costituzionale Federale tedesca sul programma di acquisto dei titoli pubblici della BCE – Servizio Studi Senato
Dissecting Covid-19 Derogations
Dissecting Covid-19 Derogations by Niall Coghlan
From social distance to Muslim solidarity proximity at the time of Covid-19
From social distance to Muslim solidarity proximity at the time of Covid-19 by Vasco Fronzoni
Saudi Arabia’s caution in times of health emergency
Saudi Arabia’s caution in times of health emergency by Caterina Gagliardi
The measures taken in the field of religion in Turkey against the threat of pandemic of covid-19 virus
The measures taken in the field of religion in Turkey against the threat of pandemic of covid-19 virus by Mustafa Yasan
Una nuova crisi che l’Unione deve risolvere, o la crisi dell’Unione?
Una nuova crisi che l’Unione deve risolvere, o la crisi dell’Unione? by Lorenzo Pace
La enseñanza digital en serio y el derecho a la educación en tiempos del coronavirus
La enseñanza digital en serio y el derecho a la educación en tiempos del coronavirus Lorenzo Cotino Hueso
El cronista n. 86-87 El coronavirus (COVID-19): respuestas jurídicas frente a una situación de emergencia sanitaria by VICENTE ÁLVAREZ GARCÍA Confinar el coronavirus. Entre el viejo Derecho sectorial y el Derecho de excepción by ALBA NOGUEIRA LÓPEZ Lectura de urgencia de las reacciones frente al COVID-19 desde una óptica jurídica internacional y comparada by SUSANAContinua a leggere “Coronavirus”
Las relaciones laborales tras la declaración del Estado de Alarma por el Coronavirus
Las relaciones laborales tras la declaración del Estado de Alarma por el Coronavirus by M.ª Lourdes Arastey Sahún
Covid-19 – the Maltese Response: Slow at First but Steady and Effective
Covid-19 – the Maltese Response: Slow at First but Steady and Effective by Vincent A. De Gaetano
Something is Forgotten in the State of Denmark: Denmark’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Something is Forgotten in the State of Denmark: Denmark’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic by Kristian Cedervall Lauta
ECB decisions on the Public Sector Purchase Programme exceed EU competences
ECB decisions on the Public Sector Purchase Programme exceed EU competences Decision – German Version/English Version
Covid-19, fase 2. Pregi e difetti del diritto dell’emergenza per il processo amministrativo
Covid-19, fase 2. Pregi e difetti del diritto dell’emergenza per il processo amministrativo by MARIA ALESSANDRA SANDULLI
Su Agamben e stato d’eccezione: la vera rivoluzione è stare a casa, ma tutti
Su Agamben e stato d’eccezione: la vera rivoluzione è stare a casa, ma tutti by Alessandro Volpi – “Una domanda” by Giorgio Agamben – Lo stato d’eccezione provocato da un’emergenza immotivata by Giorgio Agamben
Le sort des clauses sanctionnant un retard dans l’exécution d’un contrat et Covid-19 : L’apport de la jurisprudence rendue en application de la loi du 31 juillet 1968 relative aux forclusions encourues du fait des événements de mai et juin 1968
Le sort des clauses sanctionnant un retard dans l’exécution d’un contrat et Covid-19 : L’apport de la jurisprudence rendue en application de la loi du 31 juillet 1968 relative aux forclusions encourues du fait des événements de mai et juin 1968 by Cyril Grimaldi, François-Luc Simon & Jean-Charles Simon
Dopo il corona virus. Che fare del sistema sanitario? Ovvero le possibili conseguenze strutturali dell’epidemia
Dopo il corona virus. Che fare del sistema sanitario? Ovvero le possibili conseguenze strutturali dell’epidemia by Bruno Dente
Zoning Cyberspace: Protecting Privacy in the Digital Upside Down
Zoning Cyberspace: Protecting Privacy in the Digital Upside Down by Raymond H. Brescia
Dalla crisi economica alla crisi democratica: la sfida populista alla solidarietà e l’identità europea
Dalla crisi economica alla crisi democratica: la sfida populista alla solidarietà e l’identità europea by Angelo Schillaci
La Libia tra Covid-19 e conflitto armato
La Libia tra Covid-19 e conflitto armato by Leonardo Parisi
How to Protect Human Rights in Times of Corona? Lessons from the Inter-American Human Rights System
How to Protect Human Rights in Times of Corona? Lessons from the Inter-American Human Rights System by Mariela Morales Antoniazzi & Silvia Steininger
Beyond War Talk: Laying Bare the Structural Violence of the Pandemic
Beyond War Talk: Laying Bare the Structural Violence of the Pandemic by Eliana Cusato
EU Executive Discretion: again in time of emergency
EU Executive Discretion: again in time of emergency by Joana Mendes
Sopa de Wuhan
Sopa de Wuhan by Giorgio Agamben, Slavoj Zizek, Jean Luc Nancy, Franco “Bifo” Berardi, Santiago López Petit, Judith Butler, Alain Badiou, David Harvey, Byung-Chul Han, Raúl Zibechi, María Galindo, Markus Gabriel, Gustavo Yáñez González, Patricia ManriquePaul B. Preciado
Lifting lockdown. How to approach a coronavirus exit strategy
Lifting lockdown. How to approach a coronavirus exit strategy
Bailout for business after coronavirus
Bailout for business after coronavirus
The criminal justice system. How government reforms and coronavirus will affect policing, courts and prisons
The criminal justice system. How government reforms and coronavirus will affect policing, courts and prisons
Orbán is Still the Sole Judge of his Own Law
Orbán is Still the Sole Judge of his Own Law by Gábor Halmai & Kim Lane Scheppele
With Tragedy Comes Farce
The ‘Congiunto Rule’ and the Measures Restricting Constitutional Liberties in Italy’s CoVid-19 Emergency by Giuliano Vosa
The Fight Against COVID-19 in Argentina: Executive vs Legislative Branc
The Fight Against COVID-19 in Argentina: Executive vs Legislative Branch by Roberto Gargarella
COVID-19 in Latvia: Precaution Above All
COVID-19 in Latvia: Precaution Above All by Aleksejs Dimitrovs
Force majeure et épidémie de COVID -19: une première décision vient d’être rendue
Force majeure et épidémie de COVID -19 : une première décision vient d’être rendue by Luc Grynbaum
India – Comparative Covid Law – video scheda di Pasquale Viola
UK – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda di Claudio Martinelli
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, consumer contracts, cancellation and refunds
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, consumer contracts, cancellation and refunds
Le motif familial impérieux : les incertitudes sur les dérogations à l’interdiction d’aller et venir
Le motif familial impérieux : les incertitudes sur les dérogations à l’interdiction d’aller et venir by Julie Pierrot-Blondeau & Stéphanie Travade-Lannoy
Human Rights Law in the Time of the Coronavirus
Human Rights Law in the Time of the Coronavirus by Adina Ponta
COVID-19 Coronavirus: Russia’s Supreme Court Provides Clarifications on the Impact of COVID-19-related Measures on Contract Performance and Dispute Resolution
COVID-19 Coronavirus: Russia’s Supreme Court Provides Clarifications on the Impact of COVID-19-related Measures on Contract Performance and Dispute Resolution
How the COVID-19 Responseis Altering the Legal and Regulatory Landscape on Abortion
How the COVID-19 Responseis Altering the Legal and Regulatory Landscape on Abortion by Aziza Ahmed
Covid-19: Just Disastrous or the Disaster Itself? Applying the ILC Articles on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters to the Covid-19 Outbreak
Covid-19: Just Disastrous or the Disaster Itself? Applying the ILC Articles on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters to the Covid-19 Outbreak by Alp Ozturk
The Civil Protection Mechanism of the European Union: A Solidarity Tool at Test by the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Civil Protection Mechanism of the European Union: A Solidarity Tool at Test by the COVID-19 Pandemic by Hélène De Pooter
Assessing the value of a life: COVID-19 triage orders mustn’t work against those with disabilities
Assessing the value of a life: COVID-19 triage orders mustn’t work against those with disabilities by Roxanne Mykitiuk & Trudo Lemmens
Analysis: “Measures adopted by the European Commission to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in the banking sector”
Analysis: “Measures adopted by the European Commission to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in the banking sector” by Pablo Biscari García
The Corona Threat – An Opportunity to rethink the European Economic Constitution and European Private Law
The Corona Threat – An Opportunity to rethink the European Economic Constitution and European Private Law by Hans-W. Micklitz
Covid-19 et droit penal
Covid-19 et droit penal
L’emergenza Covid-19 in Egitto. Provvedimenti legislativi e misure economiche intraprese.
L’emergenza Covid-19 in Egitto. Provvedimenti legislativi e misure economiche intraprese by Eugenio Santostasi
EMERGENCIA SANITARIA POR COVID-19 Derecho constitucional comparado
EMERGENCIA SANITARIA POR COVID-19 – Derecho constitucional comparado
The Protection of Health Must Take Precedence: Testing the Constitutional State of Crisis in Luxembourg
The Protection of Health Must Take Precedence: Testing the Constitutional State of Crisis in Luxembourg by Edoardo Stoppioni
A Tale of Two: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Rule of Law in Cyprus
A Tale of Two: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Rule of Law in Cyprus by Stéphanie Laulhé Shaelou & Andrea Manoli
COVID-19 and the Costs of Contracts Under German Law
COVID-19 and the Costs of Contracts Under German Law
COVID-19 and Labour Law: Germany
COVID-19 and Labour Law: Germany by Rüdiger Krause & Jonas Walter Kühn
Das Coronavirus und das deutsche Arbeitsrecht: Arbeitsrechtliche Rechte und Pflichten bei Quarantäne
Das Coronavirus und das deutsche Arbeitsrecht: Arbeitsrechtliche Rechte und Pflichten bei Quarantäne by Peter Groll
Coronavirus & Arbeitsrecht: Die 12 wichtigsten Fragen
Coronavirus & Arbeitsrecht: Die 12 wichtigsten Fragen by Detlef Grimm
Coronavirus – Neue Maßnahmen im Arbeits- und Sozialrecht
Coronavirus – Neue Maßnahmen im Arbeits- und Sozialrecht by Franz Josef Düwell
Coronavirus & Öffentliches Recht: Die wichtigsten Fragen zu behördlichen Maßnahmen und Entschädigungsansprüchen
Coronavirus & Öffentliches Recht: Die wichtigsten Fragen zu behördlichen Maßnahmen und Entschädigungsansprüchen by Christian Winterhoff
Corona & WEG-Recht: 10 aktuelle Antworten für Wohnungseigentümer und Verwalter
Corona & WEG-Recht: 10 aktuelle Antworten für Wohnungseigentümer und Verwalter by Oliver Elzer
Corona-Krise: Anhörungen in Betreuungs- und Unterbringungssachen per Videoschalte? Ein amtsrichterliches Plädoyer
Corona-Krise: Anhörungen in Betreuungs- und Unterbringungssachen per Videoschalte? Ein amtsrichterliches Plädoyer by Bernd Klasen
Miet- und Pachtrecht bei COVID-19: Keine Kündigung bei Zahlungseinstellung?
Miet- und Pachtrecht bei COVID-19: Keine Kündigung bei Zahlungseinstellung? by Michael Tiedemann
Das Sozialschutzpaket – mit der Bazooka für sozialen Schutz?
Das Sozialschutzpaket – mit der Bazooka für sozialen Schutz? by Thomas Voelzke
Coronavirus & Vereinsrecht: In gesunder Distanz
Coronavirus & Vereinsrecht: In gesunder Distanz by Dirk-Ulrich Otto
Erzwungene Digitalisierung: Datenschutzrechtliche Compliance im Homeoffice sowie bei Kollaborationssoftware, Videokonferenzen & Co.
Erzwungene Digitalisierung: Datenschutzrechtliche Compliance im Homeoffice sowie bei Kollaborationssoftware, Videokonferenzen & Co. by Stefan Hessel
Auswirkung der „Corona-Gesetzgebung“ auf das Strafverfahren
Auswirkung der „Corona-Gesetzgebung“ auf das Strafverfahren by Denise Gerull
Elektronischer Rechtsverkehr 2/202
Elektronischer Rechtsverkehr 2/2020: ERV in Zeiten von Corona by Wolfram Viefhues
COVID-19: La inejecución de obligaciones por caso fortuito y fuerza mayor
COVID-19: La inejecución de obligaciones por caso fortuito y fuerza mayor by Leysser León Hilario
COVID-19 and the European Central Bank: The Legal Foundations of EMU as the Next Victim?
COVID-19 and the European Central Bank: The Legal Foundations of EMU as the Next Victim? by Ana Bobić & Mark Dawson
Monetizzazione del debito durante il Covid19: c’è molto da chiarire
Monetizzazione del debito durante il Covid19: c’è molto da chiarire by Biagio Bossone
COVID 19 and States of Emergency
COVID 19 and States of Emergency – Debate
Concentration of Powers in the Federal Executive: The Application of Emergency Powers in Switzerland
Concentration of Powers in the Federal Executive: The Application of Emergency Powers in Switzerland by Felix Uhlmann
COVID-19. Competenze dell’Unione, libertà di circolazione e diritti umani in materia di controlli delle frontiere, misure restrittive della mobilità e protezione internazionale
COVID-19. Competenze dell’Unione, libertà di circolazione e diritti umani in materia di controlli delle frontiere, misure restrittive della mobilità e protezione internazionale by Giandonato Caggiato
Loi anti-fake news : Pluie de critiques et attaques frontales contre l’Exécutif
Loi anti-fake news: Pluie de critiques et attaques frontales contre l’Exécutif
L’emergenza sanitaria da Covid-19 nella Repubblica federale tedesca
L’emergenza sanitaria da Covid-19 nella Repubblica federale tedescaa cura di Jens Woelk
A exceção de inseguridade e a tutela do devedor em tempos de Covid-19
A exceção de inseguridade e a tutela do devedor em tempos de Covid-19 by Bernardo Moraes & Luca Giannotti
Rethinking Solidarity in View of the Wanting Internal and External EU Law Framework Concerning Trade Measures in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis
Rethinking Solidarity in View of the Wanting Internal and External EU Law Framework Concerning Trade Measures in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis by Benedikt Pirker
The COVID-19 Emergency and the Reintroduction of Internal Border Controls in the Schengen Area: Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste
The COVID-19 Emergency and the Reintroduction of Internal Border Controls in the Schengen Area: Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste by Stefano Montaldo
Citizenship, Coronavirus and Questions of Competence
Citizenship, Coronavirus and Questions of Competence by Stephen Coutts
Quand l’urgence de santé publique fait son entrée parmi les catastrophes en droit de l’UE
Quand l’urgence de santé publique fait son entrée parmi les catastrophes en droit de l’UE by Estelle Brosset
International and European Emergency Assistance to EU Member States in the COVID-19 Crisis: Why European Solidarity Is Not Dead and What We Need to Make It both Happen and Last
International and European Emergency Assistance to EU Member States in the COVID-19 Crisis: Why European Solidarity Is Not Dead and What We Need to Make It both Happen and Last by Charlotte Beaucillon
European Solidarity in Times of Emergency: An Introduction to the Special Focus on COVID-19 and the EU
European Solidarity in Times of Emergency:An Introduction to the Special Focus on COVID-19 and the EU by Charlotte Beaucillon
I Trattati UE e il via libera all’uso del MES “senza condizionalità”
I Trattati UE e il via libera all’uso del MES “senza condizionalità” by Emanuela Pistoia
L’influenza del COVID-19 sulla politica di concorrenza: difese immunitarie o anche altro?
L’influenza del COVID-19 sulla politica di concorrenza: difese immunitarie o anche altro? by Luca Calzonari
Dispositions particulières aux juridictions pour enfants et relatives à l’assistance éducative; À propos de l’ordonnance n° 2020-304 du 25 mars 2020, art. 13 à 21
Dispositions particulières aux juridictions pour enfants et relatives à l’assistance éducative; À propos de l’ordonnance n° 2020-304 du 25 mars 2020, art. 13 à 21 by Mélina Douchy-Oudot
Let’s not fool ourselves either!Some remarks on Professor Halmai’s and Professor Scheppele’s blogpost
Let’s not fool ourselves either!Some remarks on Professor Halmai’s and Professor Scheppele’s blogpost by Dániel Karsai
Rule of Law Lacking in Times of Crisis
Rule of Law Lacking in Times of Crisis by Konrad Lachmayer
Challenges Beyond Public Health – Guatemala and the Covid-19 Crisis
Challenges Beyond Public Health – Guatemala and the Covid-19 Crisis by José Gonzalez
Government of Iceland Announces Second Phase of Economic Response Package to the COVID-19 Crisis
Government of Iceland Announces Second Phase of Economic Response Package to the COVID-19 Crisis
Government of Iceland announces increased support for companies and extension of part-time unemployment benefits
Government of Iceland announces increased support for companies and extension of part-time unemployment benefits
L’emergenza Covid-19 in Iraq: strumenti normativi e provvedimenti religiosi
L’emergenza Covid-19 in Iraq: strumenti normativi e provvedimenti religiosi by Leonardo Parisi
L’emergenza Covid-19 in Tunisia: strumenti normativi e misure adottate
L’emergenza Covid-19 in Tunisia: strumenti normativi e misure adottate by Giacomo Mennuni
Scuola “telematica” di Liberalismo 2020 – L’emergenza e le costituzioni: una comparazione – Lezione di Arianna Vedaschi
Click here to see the lesson
Der Corona-Lastenausgleich
Der Corona-Lastenausgleich – Informationspapier, April 2020
Immigration in the Time of COVID-19
Immigration in the Time of COVID-19 by Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia
COVID-19 and Prisoners’ Rights
COVID-19 and Prisoners’ Rights by Gregory Bernstein, Alexis Hoag & Bernard E. Harcourt
COVID-19 and LGBT Rights
COVID-19 and LGBT Rights by Suzanne B. Goldberg
COVID-19 as a Force Majeure in Corporate Transactions
COVID-19 as a Force Majeure in Corporate Transactions by Matthew Jennejohn, Julian Nyarko & Eric Talley
Emergency Exemptions From Environmental Laws
Emergency Exemptions From Environmental Laws by Michael B. Gerrard & Andrew Sabin
COVID-19 and the Law: Elections
COVID-19 and the Law: Elections by Richard Briffault & Joseph P. Chamberlain
Dispute Resolution in Pandemic Circumstances
Dispute Resolution in Pandemic Circumstances by George A. Bermann
Linked Fate: Justice and the Criminal Legal System During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Linked Fate: Justice and the Criminal Legal System During the COVID-19 Pandemic by Susan Sturm, George M. Jaffin & Faiz Pirani
Driver for Contactless Payments
Driver for Contactless Payments by Ronald Mann & Albert E. Cinelli
A comparative Perspective on Commercial Contracts and the impact of COVID- 19 – Change of Circumstances, Force Majeure, or what?
A comparative Perspective on Commercial Contracts and the impact of COVID-19 – Change of Circumstances, Force Majeure, or what? by Christian Twigg-Flesner
Child Welfare and COVID-19: An Unexpected Opportunity for Systemic Change
Child Welfare and COVID-19: An Unexpected Opportunity for Systemic Change by Jane M. Spinak & Edward Ross Aranow
Capitalismo y coronavirus
Capitalismo y coronavirus by Manuel Humberto y Restrepo Domínguez
Crisi sistemica, serve un paradigma nuovo
Crisi sistemica, serve un paradigma nuovo by Riccardo Realfonzo
Per una economia di guerra sanitaria
Per una “economia di guerra” anche sanitaria by Giorgio Gattei & Antonino Iero
Efficienza economica e coronavirus
Efficienza economica e coronavirus by Riccardo Leoncini
Alcune osservazioni sulle conseguenze economiche del coronavirus
Alcune osservazioni sulle conseguenze economiche del coronavirus by Giancarlo Bertocco & Andrea Kalajzic
Siamo tutti (nuovamente) keynesiani?
Siamo tutti (nuovamente) keynesiani? by Vittorio Daniele & Ugo Marani
La disunione fiscale europea
La disunione fiscale europea by Vittorio Daniele & Ugo Marani
Gli eurobond fra logica economica, sofismi e difficili mediazioni
Gli eurobond fra logica economica, sofismi e difficili mediazioni by Stefano Lucarelli
L’eurozona fra il pericolo della dissoluzione e l’occasione di un ripensamento
L’eurozona fra il pericolo della dissoluzione e l’occasione di un ripensamento by Massimo Amato
Dal coronavirus al debito. Come l’emergenza sanitaria consolida le relazioni di potere tra Paesi europei
Dal coronavirus al debito. Come l’emergenza sanitaria consolida le relazioni di potere tra Paesi europei by Alessandro Somma
Coronavirus: estado de la normativa y sus efectos al 18 abril de 2020
Coronavirus: estado de la normativa y sus efectos al 18 abril de 2020