
Comments and papers

State Action to Limit Abortion Access During the Covid-19 Pandemic by L. Sobel, A. Ramaswamy, B. Frederiksen, A. Salganicoff

Puntualità ed effettività nella tutela dei diritti. Riflessioni sul valore del tempo per le questioni di genere nella contingenza della pandemia by L. Busatta

Gender Inequalities and Violence Against Women’s Health During the Covid-19 Pandemic: in International Law Perspective by S. De Vido

Il virus, il genere, la cura: una rivoluzione ai tempi del covid-19? by O. Giolo

Esterno e interno nella pandemia: persistenza e risignificazione degli spazi pubblici e domestici dal punto di vista di genere in tempi di lockdown by B. Pezzini

Violence against women during COVID-19 pandemic and the Istanbul Convention by Sara De Vido

Interview to Vittoria Doretti – Covid-19 Pandemic and the emergency of violence against women: the experience of the “Pink Code Network” in Italy by V. Bonini and ELaN Teaching Staff

Towards a democracy of care in pandemic times? Interview with Joan Tronto by Serena Vantin and ELaN Teaching Staff

Reproductive rights, politics, and pandemic: abortion in Poland during Covid-19 by Julia Wesołowska

How coronavirus is changing access to abortion by Miriam Webber

Abortion in the time of COVID-19: perspectives from Malta by Liza Caruana-Finkel

Abortion during the Covid-19 Pandemic — Ensuring Access to an Essential Health Service by Michelle J. Bayefsky, Deborah Bartz, and Katie L. Watson

Covid-19 and abortion: The importance of guaranteeing a fundamental right by Andrea Cioffi, Fernanda Cioffi, and Raffaella Rinaldi

Le Covid-19, nouvel ennemi des droits des femmes? Emilie Djawa et Diane Gardiol

Covid-19 and labour law in Germany by Adam Sagan and Christian Schüller

From insights to action: Gender equality in the wake of COVID-19 by Ginette Azcona, Antra Bhatt, Jessamyn Encarnacion, Juncal Plazaola-Castaño, Papa Seck, Silke Staab, and Laura Turquet

The Gendered Face of COVID-19: Women and Access to Justice by Jarpa Dawuni

La problemática jurídica del derecho a la identidad personal frente al COVID-19 by Carlos Antonio Agurto Gonzáles y María-Pía Guadalupe Díaz Díaz

WE EMPOWER – G7 programme (jointly implemented by UN Women and ILO and
funded by the European Union), Closing Gender Pay Gaps to Achieve Gender Equality at Work

COVID-19 and Gender Equality: A Call to Action for the Private Sector – WE EMPOWER – G7 programme (jointly implemented by UN Women and ILO and funded by the European Union)

COVID-19 and Ending Violence Against Women and Girls – UN Women

Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women – UN Women, UN Secretariat

Policy Brief, The COVID-19 response: Getting gender equality right for a better future for women at work

COVID-19 has “devastating” effects on women and girls by S. Cousins

The Impact of Covid-19 on women’s rights by R. Russo

La violenza nei confronti delle donne durante l’emergenza sanitaria by Teresa Manente

Covid-19 e la vita delle donne in America Latina: la mitigazione dei costi passa per un approccio differenziale by Natalia Rueda

Il genere e la pandemia costituzionale by LAURA RONCHETTI

Le prime misure economico-finanziarie per affrontare la crisi da Covid-19. L’Analisi Multidimensionale dei dati: donne leader vs uomini leader by ROSARIA LOMBARDO

Risignificare lo spazio domestico ai tempi del Covid-19: tra convivenza e lavoro femminile by MICHELA BELLA

Women’s Europe: Voices in Times of Covid by Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnès Hubert, Ruth Rubio Marín

Covid-19/ Morocco: Fears for victims of domestic violence in times of lockdown by Sabrine DARBALI

The impact of new coronavirus (COVID-19) on domestic violence and violence against women: the case of the Republic of Georgia by Andrea Borroni

Leading the Fight Against the Pandemic: Does Gender ‘Really’ Matter? by Supriya Garikipati & Uma Kambhampati

The Impact of the Coronavirus Lockdown on Domestic Violence by Sarath Sanga, Justin McCrary

COVID-19 and LGBT Rights by Suzanne B. Goldberg

Algunas consideraciones prácticas y reflexiones de la Violencia de Género en tiempos de pandemia by EZEQUIEL COOKE

Casuística sobre la violencia de género y la declaración del estado de alarma a raíz del Coronavirus  by Vicente Magro Servet


Protection from domestic violence urgently needed for women and children under stay-at-home orders say OSCE officials

Case Law

U.S. S.Ct., Democratic National Committee v. Wisconsin State Legislature_(2020)

U.S. S.Ct., South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom_(2020)

U.S. S.Ct., Food and Drug Administration et al. v. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, et al. _(2020)

United States Court of Appeals  for the fifth circuit  n° 20-50264

United States Court of Appeals for the fifth circuit n° 20- 50296