Comments and papers
State Action to Limit Abortion Access During the Covid-19 Pandemic by L. Sobel, A. Ramaswamy, B. Frederiksen, A. Salganicoff
Gender Inequalities and Violence Against Women’s Health During the Covid-19 Pandemic: in International Law Perspective by S. De Vido
Il virus, il genere, la cura: una rivoluzione ai tempi del covid-19? by O. Giolo
Violence against women during COVID-19 pandemic and the Istanbul Convention by Sara De Vido
Interview to Vittoria Doretti – Covid-19 Pandemic and the emergency of violence against women: the experience of the “Pink Code Network” in Italy by V. Bonini and ELaN Teaching Staff
Towards a democracy of care in pandemic times? Interview with Joan Tronto by Serena Vantin and ELaN Teaching Staff
Reproductive rights, politics, and pandemic: abortion in Poland during Covid-19 by Julia Wesołowska
How coronavirus is changing access to abortion by Miriam Webber
Abortion in the time of COVID-19: perspectives from Malta by Liza Caruana-Finkel
Abortion during the Covid-19 Pandemic — Ensuring Access to an Essential Health Service by Michelle J. Bayefsky, Deborah Bartz, and Katie L. Watson
Covid-19 and abortion: The importance of guaranteeing a fundamental right by Andrea Cioffi, Fernanda Cioffi, and Raffaella Rinaldi
Le Covid-19, nouvel ennemi des droits des femmes? Emilie Djawa et Diane Gardiol
Covid-19 and labour law in Germany by Adam Sagan and Christian Schüller
From insights to action: Gender equality in the wake of COVID-19 by Ginette Azcona, Antra Bhatt, Jessamyn Encarnacion, Juncal Plazaola-Castaño, Papa Seck, Silke Staab, and Laura Turquet
The Gendered Face of COVID-19: Women and Access to Justice by Jarpa Dawuni
La problemática jurídica del derecho a la identidad personal frente al COVID-19 by Carlos Antonio Agurto Gonzáles y María-Pía Guadalupe Díaz Díaz
WE EMPOWER – G7 programme (jointly implemented by UN Women and ILO and
funded by the European Union), Closing Gender Pay Gaps to Achieve Gender Equality at Work
COVID-19 and Gender Equality: A Call to Action for the Private Sector – WE EMPOWER – G7 programme (jointly implemented by UN Women and ILO and funded by the European Union)
COVID-19 and Ending Violence Against Women and Girls – UN Women
Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women – UN Women, UN Secretariat
COVID-19 has “devastating” effects on women and girls by S. Cousins
The Impact of Covid-19 on women’s rights by R. Russo
La violenza nei confronti delle donne durante l’emergenza sanitaria by Teresa Manente
Covid-19 e la vita delle donne in America Latina: la mitigazione dei costi passa per un approccio differenziale by Natalia Rueda
Il genere e la pandemia costituzionale by LAURA RONCHETTI
Le prime misure economico-finanziarie per affrontare la crisi da Covid-19. L’Analisi Multidimensionale dei dati: donne leader vs uomini leader by ROSARIA LOMBARDO
Risignificare lo spazio domestico ai tempi del Covid-19: tra convivenza e lavoro femminile by MICHELA BELLA
Women’s Europe: Voices in Times of Covid by Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnès Hubert, Ruth Rubio Marín
Covid-19/ Morocco: Fears for victims of domestic violence in times of lockdown by Sabrine DARBALI
The impact of new coronavirus (COVID-19) on domestic violence and violence against women: the case of the Republic of Georgia by Andrea Borroni
Leading the Fight Against the Pandemic: Does Gender ‘Really’ Matter? by Supriya Garikipati & Uma Kambhampati
The Impact of the Coronavirus Lockdown on Domestic Violence by Sarath Sanga, Justin McCrary
COVID-19 and LGBT Rights by Suzanne B. Goldberg
Algunas consideraciones prácticas y reflexiones de la Violencia de Género en tiempos de pandemia by EZEQUIEL COOKE
Casuística sobre la violencia de género y la declaración del estado de alarma a raíz del Coronavirus by Vicente Magro Servet
Protection from domestic violence urgently needed for women and children under stay-at-home orders say OSCE officials
Case Law
U.S. S.Ct., Democratic National Committee v. Wisconsin State Legislature_(2020)
U.S. S.Ct., South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom_(2020)
United States Court of Appeals for the fifth circuit n° 20-50264
United States Court of Appeals for the fifth circuit n° 20- 50296