

Israel Basic Laws 

Emergency Regulation (Novel Corona Virus- Restrictions on Activities) 5780/2020  (22nd March 2020) – (unofficial translation)


Israeli Privacy Protection Authority’s Guidelines on Privacy Aspects of the Coronavirus Epidemic (COVID-19)   Cyber Israel- Israel National Cyber Directorate:

Protection recommendations document for organizations and businesses- Working from home following the spread of the corona virus

Case Law a cura di Davide Zecca

Rassegna giurisprudenza Covid Israele gen-mar 2021

Rassegna Giurisprudenza ISRAELE Febbraio – Settembre 2020

HCJ 2109/20, HCJ 2135/20, HCJ 2141/20, 26 aprile 2020, 3-0, Ben Meir v. Prime Minister

HCJ 2435/2020, 6 aprile 2020, 3-0, Loewenthal v. Prime Minister

HCJ 2109/20, HCJ 2135/20, HCJ 2141/20, 19 marzo 2020, Ben Meir v. Prime Minister

Comments and papers

La crisi politica e la difficile gestione delle misure contro il COVID-19: il caso di Israele by M. D’Avanzo

Israel Pushes Its Emergency Powers to Their Limits by Elena Chachko & Adam Shinar

Osservazioni sulla disciplina in materia di tutela dei dati personali in tempi di Covid-19. L’Italia e i modelli sudcoreano, israeliano e cinese: opzioni a confronto by Martina Cardone e Marco Cecili

Israel: Ministry of Health Issues Guidelines on Use of Cameras in COVID-19 Hospital Units

Israel Security Agency Surveillance to Trace COVID-19 Patients and Contacts Scrutinized by Ruth Levush

COVID-19 and Labour Law: Israel by Einat Albin, Guy Mundlak

The Duties of Occupying Powers in Relation to the Fight against Covid-19
by Marco Longobardo (Spanish translation)

Covid-19 and Labour Law: Israel, in Italian Labour Law e-Journal, Special Issue 1, Vol. 13 (2020) by E. Albin, G. Mundlak

As Gov’ts Use Coronarivurs to Spy on Public, is our Privacy Infringed?, Israel Democracy Institute by T. Shwartz Altshuler

Privacy Doesn’t Have to Die, Even During the Coronavirus Pandemic, Israel Democracy Institute by R. Aridor-Hershkovitz

Constitutional Crisis in Israel: Coronavirus, Interbranch Conflict and Dynamic Judicial Review by N. Mordechai. Y. Roznai

Parliamentary Activity and Legislative Oversight during the Coronavirus Pandemic- A Comparative Overview, Bar Ilan University Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 20-06 by I. Bar-Siman-Tov

Israel’s Perfect Storm: Fighting Coronavirus in the Midst of a Constitutional Crisis, by Tamar Hostovsky Brandes

When the Coronavirus Crisis Turns into a Crisis of Democracy, by Michal Kramer  

Virus and Democracy, by Yedidia Z. Stern

High Court lets Shin Bet continue phone tracking now Knesset oversight in place, by Jacob Magid

Attorney General Approves Cyber Tech to Track Coronavirus Patients, by Noa Landau, Amos Harel and Josh Breiner

In landmark pilot, High Court livestreams hearing on Shin Bet phone tracking, by Toi Staff

Useful links

Ministry of Health 

Ministry of Health – Guidelines for the New Routine April 2020  The Ministry of Health App for fighting the spread of the Coronavirus