
Redesigning the EU Fiscal Rules: From Rules to Standards by Olivier Blanchard, Alvaro Leandro & Jeromin Zettelmeyer

La fiscalità del turismo tra emergenza sanitaria e interventi strutturali by Caterina Verrigni

Lockdown e crisi di liquidità: quale migliore occasione per un revirement giurisprudenziale? by CARLA LOLLIO

Un sistema tributario più equo ed efficiente in risposta alla crisi economica da Covid-19 by BRUNO BISES


Politica fiscale e finanza pubblica prima, durante e dopo l’emergenza Covid-19 by ANTONIO SCIALÀ

Conformity and State Income Taxes: Suggestions for the Crisis by Michael A. Livingston & David Gamage

New York’s Ill-Advised Taxation of Nonresidents During COVID-19 by Edward A. Zelinsky

The Coronavirus emergency and solidarity in Europe: is it time for EU tax? by Stefano Dorigo

COVID-19: Global Tax Developments Summary di KPMG

Fiscal Policy During a Pandemic by Miguel Faria-e-Castro

A progressive European wealth tax to fund the European COVID response by Camille Landais, Emmanuel Saez & Gabriel Zucman

La disunione fiscale europea by Vittorio Daniele & Ugo Marani

Preferential tax policies amid national combat against Coronavirus outbreak

Justicia, CGPJ, Fiscalía, Abogacía y Comunidades Autónomas avanzan hacia una hoja de ruta consensuada para afrontar la salida de la crisis del Covid-19